ࡱ> }z{|a >bjbjxx 7N\N\2Z Z fffzzz8,Lz**(RRR222`bbbbbbUbf2-222bRR|w4442^"RfR`42`44du4r|R`"2N+52w>L0w.Ub3U|||Uf~0 22422222bb42222222U222222222Z > : Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Planning Worksheet Use this worksheet to help in the development a full Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).. Plan Developer(s):Date Plan Finalized:Point of Contact:Contact Information:Email:Phone Number:Alt. Phone Number: A: Background Information A COOP is a process that ensures continued performance of essential functions across a full range of potential emergencies, be they natural, technological, biological or man-made/adversarial. A COOP plan provides guidance and establishes responsibilities and procedures to ensure that business resilience is developed and maintained. A COOP is not the same as an Emergency Operations/Safety Plan. It supplements it. Its a Functional Annex to a district EOP/Safety Plan. A COOP provides a continuity infrastructure through careful planning. It ensures: Emergency delegation of authority and an orderly line of succession, as necessary; Safekeeping of essential personnel, resources, facilities, and vital records; Emergency acquisition of resources necessary for business resumption; and The capability to perform critical functions remotely until resumption of normal operations. The critical business functions your COOP is planning for those functions which must be: Operational not later than 12 hours after activation. Capable of maintaining sustained operations for up to 30 days possibly longer. A well designed COOP considers: Essential functions - Vital records & databases Delegations of authority - Human capital management Alternate facilities - Devolution - Interoperable communications - Reconstruction - Training, testing, exercising B. Objectives List what you want your COOP to cover and to address. What are your objectives? C: Essential Functions List below the functions essential to operational continuity and/or recovery, and who is responsible for them. Review the key personnel and administrators responsible for the essential functions. Include redundancy and the additional responsibilities that can be delegated to other people. Some essential functions may include: superintendent, assistant superintendent, maintenance director, emergency preparedness administrator, teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, nurses, payroll and accounts payable, food services, custodial, maintenance, transportation, technology/student information systems, counselors and psychologists, information/communications, and others. Essential Function: Primary PersonNamePhone Numbers/ EmailAlternateNamePhone Numbers/ EmailSecond AlternateNamePhone Numbers/ Email Essential Function: Primary PersonNamePhone Numbers/ EmailAlternateNamePhone Numbers/ EmailSecond AlternateNamePhone Numbers/ Email Essential Function: Primary PersonNamePhone Numbers/ EmailAlternateNamePhone Numbers/ EmailSecond AlternateNamePhone Numbers/ Email Essential Function: Primary PersonNamePhone Numbers/ EmailAlternateNamePhone Numbers/ EmailSecond AlternateNamePhone Numbers/ Email Essential Function: Primary PersonNamePhone Numbers/ EmailAlternateNamePhone Numbers/ EmailSecond AlternateNamePhone Numbers/ Email D: Emergency Communication Systems Schools have the dual responsibility of communicating with staff and also with parents. Each school district will be responsible for keeping informed of emergencies by monitoring news media reports. Developing a separate communication annex is often useful so that all communications documentation is readily available for supporting updates, advisories, and alerts, which can be defined as: Alert: conveys the highest level of importance; warrants immediate action or attention Advisory: provides key information for a specific incident or situation; might not require immediate action Update: provides updated information regarding an incident or situation; unlikely to require immediate action Systems will need to be established for the following Internal and External Communications purposes: Notification to staff/students/parents of operational changes Provide frequent updates about the pandemic status Provide advisories and alerts as conditions change Ensure vendors and suppliers have available a dedicated communications contact Monitor local, state, and federal updates Establish contacts with local health agencies It will be crucial to advise district staff, students, and families where to find up-to-date and reliable information from federal, state, and local sources, as well as the schools own announcements. One way of rapidly communicating with employees in an emergency is a call tree. This can also be done with parents (possibly with PTA). Note below the system (s) you will use to contact your employees in an emergency, keeping in mind contact to vulnerable and non-English speaking populations will need to be addressed. Multiple communication systems should be identified for backup, after hours, when not on campus, or for other contingencies. Look at the sample letters that can be sent to parents and staff for an idea of the messages. Keep in mind that current internet, cell and landline services are likely to have been affected. Phone (Message center) Email Direct Connect Media Call Tree School web site Pager Instant Messaging Emergency hotline phone number Other (Describe): E: Emergency Access to Information and Systems Access to your school information and systems is essential in an emergency; describe your emergency access plan below. This may include remote access (or authorization to allow remote access), contacting IT support, having IT personnel working in staggered shifts, or having it back up automatically, Blackboard, off-site data backup, backup files on flash drives, hard copies, and alternative email systems.  F. Leadership and Alternates: Identify your districts Incident Command Structure. Adapt/expand this chart or consolidate roles to best fit your needs. Ensure that all staff members have a clear understanding of functions and responsibilities.     G. Devolution: Along with your NIMS/ICS structure, list the people who can make operational decisions if district leadership is missing or not available for communications. Devolution planning provides for the assumption of senior leadership during an emergency if/when the incumbents are unable or unavailable to execute their duties and allows for an orderly and predefined transition of authority FunctionNamePhone NumberAlt. Phone NumberPoint of ContactAlternateSecond AlternateAlternate 3 FunctionNamePhone NumberAlt. Phone NumberPoint of ContactAlternateSecond AlternateAlternate 3 Alternate Facilities: Districts should identify locations other than their normal facilities (which include administrative buildings, schools, bus barns, alternative facilities) to carry out essential functions in a COOP situation. Current Site:Functions As:Alternate(s):Current Function of Alt. SiteNeed MOU/MOA?     H. Key Internal Dependencies (Within the district and among the schools) What functions and services do you depend on? All school districts rely on Energy Services, Tech Support, Payroll/Purchasing/Finance, Transportation, Security, Public Safety and Tech/ Facilities Services. List below the other products and services upon which you depend and who provides them. Also add mitigating actions for each or provisions to support these components/dependencies. Dependency (Product or Service)Provided by:Risks and Mitigating Actions1. I. Key External Dependencies List below the products, services, suppliers and providers upon which you depend that are not part of the overall organization, including your Local Health Jurisdiction, phone and internet services, transportation, security, regional data centers, ESDs, food and office supplies, and the Department of Emergency Management. We recommend that you encourage with them in developing your continuity of operations plan and that they communicate their plan with you. Also list mitigating actions to minimize the effects of potential loss of these services. Dependency (Product or Service)Provided by:Risks and Mitigating Actions1.Examples: Regional Data centers/ESDWSIPC/ESDBack up centers (MOUs in place)2.Phone and Internet Services3. Important Contacts: Please list any and all critical contacts in case of an emergency. NamePhone NumbersEmail J. Mitigation Strategies Considering your dependencies, and essential functions, describe the steps you can take now to minimize the impact of an emergency on your operations. For example, you may wish to stock up on your critical supplies and make suggestions to parents. You may develop contingency work-at-home procedures (Consider alternative teaching methods employed by online classes, mailing assignments home, teacher web pages, using TV and/or radio, etc.). Special programs, such as Free or Reduced Meals, should also be considered. This may be the most important step of your emergency planning process. Formulation of your mitigation strategies may require reevaluation of your objectives and functions.  K. How will you keep track of costs during an emergency situation? This should be discussed with your Documentaion Officer.  L. Alternate Education Delivery Systems What strategies would allow you employ to provide teaching services under social distancing measures? Some examples may include online classes, tutoring individually with a distance between students, teaching only core subjects, etc. For guidance, refer to Pan Flu Guidance by the Department of Education, in the Legal Resources and consult state-defined requirements for graduation. You may wish to contract with an online learning program, of which there is an overview. Include considerations for the medically fragile students, how to find/have retired/substitute reserve teachers, facilities for classroom modifications, etc. List strategies for serving and communicating with special education and homeless students.  MOUs and Short Term Insurance Plans What short term disability options are you considering for your staff? What MOUs have you made with your external dependencies?  Recovery: Describe your plan to fully resume operations as soon as possible after the emergency has passed. Remember that you may be re-starting schools after 3-4 months of closure. Also identify and address resumption/scheduling of normal activities and services, work backlog, restocking of inventories, sanitation procedures, and emotional and mental needs, especially if there have been deaths within the school community. Other issues include communicating with staff and regaining trust of families and public. See Recovery Resources, especially section pertaining to Mental Health. Develop procedures/protocol for how to re-assess students educational needs after an extended illness or extended leave from school. IssuesDifficultiesMitigating Actions, Protocols Special Considerations for Your School Describe here any additional or unique considerations that you may face in a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak. Some issues might be how to assist matriculating seniors in meeting diploma requirements, provision of child care, and the role of certificated staff. One example is how to obtain reimbursement. A strategy to deal with this could be to keep a detailed inventory of supplies and materials. List the categories of special needs students that you have in your district or school, and the special challenges of continuing to serve them during a pandemic, and your plan for overcoming these strategies. Challenges involved in working with public health agencies ChallengesStrategies/Plans Exercising Your Plan and Informing Your Staff Share your completed plan with your staff. Hold exercise to test the plan and maintain awareness. Note below the types of exercise you will use and their scheduled dates.  Staff Orientation Meeting Emergency Communication Test Emergency assembly drill Call Tree Drill Off site information access test Interdepartmental exercise Tabletop exercise Unscheduled work at home day Other drill (Describe):     COOP Worksheet  HYPERLINK "http://www.k12.wa.us/SafetyCenter" http://www.k12.wa.us/SafetyCenter  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 19  Incident Commander ______________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Public Information Officer/Lead Spokesperson ______________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Documentation Coordinator _______________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Liaison Officer (To Public Health and Local Agencies) ________________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Safety Officer ________________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Planning Section ______________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Operations Section _________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Logistics Section _______________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: Finance/Administration Section _________________________________ Primary: Alternate 1: Alternate 2: &9:;>MQU\]dhkp  - . 0 4 |sdWh]hKHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh }5CJaJh5CJaJh* h3hkhF'hMheWh }CJ aJ hp hbhv+hhdQheWh>5heWh$"CJaJhh-hz5CJ aJ h>55CJ aJ hh-hp 5CJ aJ %jhv+5CJ UaJ mHnHu':;Q}kd$$Ifl0<n32 t03644 laytF' $IfgdxpBgdxpB $a$gdv+ `gdxpB $a$gdxpB  w}kd$$Ifl0n36 * t03644 layt $IfgdxpB   . |  \UUBBBB & F /dgdm$gdxpBkd$$Ifl\46$n36 j 8 t03644 layt 4 5 6 7 8 : ; A B C E F G K L M N O R S T W X Y [ \ ] ^ _ ` e f g h m n o p 񥓥q_qƷ"h]h5@KHPJ\^J"h]h5@KHPJ\^Jh]h5KHPJ\^J"h]h5@KHPJ\^J"h]h5@KHPJ\^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]hKHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^J%p q r s v w x z | ~  շƷƷշշƷƷƷh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]hKHPJ^J6               սսս䮜zhzV"h]h5@KHPJ\^J"h]h5@KHPJ\^Jh]h5KHPJ\^J"h]h5@KHPJ\^J"h]h5@KHPJ\^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^Jh]hPJh]h@KHPJ^Jh]hKHPJ^Jh]h@KHPJ^J! # $ % ( ) * + , - / 0 1 2 3 8 9 : ; < = ? 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