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I further understand that this refusal will remain in effect until the next annual training prior to the start of school, or until I withdraw it in writing, whichever occurs first. I also understand that to continue my refusal, I must sign a new opt-out form each year during annual training prior to the start of school. ________________________________ Employee Signature and Date ________________________________ Superintendent/Principal or Designee Signature and Date ________________________________ School Nurse Signature and Date cc: Employee file *It is recommended that the district make this form available to staff each year during annual training prior to the start of school. Adoption Date: School District Name: Revised:     Form-1, Policy 3420 Students 8DEFG , ? M ` w 8 ? {  $ E Ǽxj\Nj\jNjh /B*aJmH phsH hSB*aJmH phsH h~B*aJmH phsH !h{Qh{QB*aJmH phsH !heh{QB*aJmH phsH !hehYB*aJmH phsH !hehdB*aJmH phsH h@Q>*aJmH sH h /hs$56mHnHsH h /5mHnHsH h /mHnHsH hYmHnHsH h'3mHnHsH 8FG` F G h ! 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