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Definitions & Guidance:
Our school provides a safe and secure learning environment that is free from of harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB). Especially vulnerable students who have been the alleged targets of HIB may need special protection to ensure their emotional and physical safety is secure during investigations and/or after sanctions have been imposed on aggressor students.
This safety plan template raises key issues for you to consider to assist in the protection of a vulnerable student and in the writing of a safety plan. It is understood that each situation is different and that additional considerations may be included.
It is recommended that this Student Safety Plan be completed by the school抯 existing safety, discipline or student support team. Examples of such groups include a school抯 Care Team, Student Intervention Team (SIT), 504 Implementation Team, Multidisciplinary Intervention Team (MDT), or HIB Prevention-Intervention Team. It is also recommended that the targeted student and a member of the targeted student抯 family be involved in the development of the plan. Once the plan has been developed by the team, the principal or his/her designee will see that it is implemented with the student and his/her family. The principal will also share this plan with all necessary school staff. The classroom teachers will leave a copy of the plan for any substitute teachers who come in.
The plan involves two components: the actions school staff will engage in and the actions the student will engage in. The plan has a definite start and a proposed end date. It is meant to cover the entire school day, from the time a student boards a bus in the morning until he/she departs the bus at the end of the day. The targeted student needs to be safe during before-school and after-school activities, and protected from any new bullying done by others in support of the initial aggressor or in retaliation for reporting or discipline actions.
The plan designates a Primary Staff Contact for the targeted student. This person might be the staff person to whom the student first reported the HIB, or with whom the student feels most comfortable. It might also be his/her homeroom teacher, counselor or another classroom teacher.
It is the intent of this plan that it be carried out in a way which is minimally intrusive. School layout, passing times, grade levels and configurations and availability of staff may impact the plan. It will be necessary to adapted to the building. For example, if there are locations which are known to be particularly dangerous for the student, those areas need to be identified and monitored.
Targeted Student Safety Plan
Student抯 Name:___________________________________________________________
Classroom Teacher: ____________________________________________ Grade Level: _______ Room Number:__________
Backup Staff Contact : _____________________________________________________
Plan start date:___________________________ Proposed End date: _______________________
q餉ll school staff will be apprised of this safety plan and will make every effort to implement it successfully.
q餉ny school staff who witness or are otherwise made aware of any harassing, intimidating or bullying behavior directed toward the student will intervene immediately and will report such behavior to the principal.
Classroom and Passing Times:
q餗r./Mrs. __________________________________ will be designated as the student s primary point of contact (trusted adult) on staff.
q餗r./Mrs. __________________________________ will keep the student and his/her aggressor separated in the classroom, during class activities and during lunch.
q餗r./Mrs. __________________________________ will be designated as the student s back-up primary point of contact (trusted adult) on staff.
q餗r./Mrs. ___________________________________ is designated as the student s recess monitor and will be visible and protect the student from bullying during recess.
q� Our school counselor (nurse / principal / AP) will visit the student at ________ o clock daily to check to see that the plan is working.
q餞he bus driver will be instructed to intervene immediately and to report any bus incidents immediately to the school principal.
q餞he school will immediately report any harassing, intimidating or bullying behavior which it is made aware of to the student s parents.
q餙ther: __________________________________________________________________
The Targeted Student:
q餞he student will not have face-to-face contact or online contact with the aggressor while this plan is in effect.
q餞he classroom teacher, school counselor and the student will identify a friend or friends with whom he/she feels safe.
q餞he student will remain as close to the trusted friend(s) as is reasonable during the school day.
q餞he student will share all passwords and will
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&Fgd oS 慺riend� his/her parents on all social networking sites so that they can monitor their child抯 online experiences. (NB: The student will not 慺riend� teachers or other school staff.)
q餞he student will report new bullying or harassment to his/her parents, teacher, or other staff person immediately.
q餞he student will also report any bullying or harassment behavior which occurs as a result of this plan before or after school or in another place where the students might be together.
q餙ther: _______________________________________________________________________ .
Parents/Family: 1. q餚arents and other family members agree to monitor and support the student with this Safety Plan, monitor the student s use of technologies for potential cyberbullying, and to contact school if th"1222 2"202R2h2�2�2�2�2�2�23^3�3Z4\4^4b4d4f455&5x6z6�6�677<7�7�78<�<�<�<�殄彷豳遒遢枕檠唾推蒎烦莴巺巪s巗巕巐hh宮� h�7�5�Uh�$�hY^Jh�$�hF^Jh�$�h��^Jh�$�h薫F^Jh薫Fh薫FCJ,OJQJaJ, hF5�h薫Fh薫F5�hO$h0hTh0hTCJ,OJQJaJ,h薫Fh薫Fh;eh@phQ'ghvHh薫Fh�7eh|C�h�(hQ'gh0hTCJ,OJQJaJ,hi0�(e problem persists.
2. Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time to check on the effectiveness of the plan.
If threats and harassment continue and/or escalate, law enforcement may be called in.
This plan is in place from _____________________________ through __________________, at which time it will be reviewed, revised or continued, if necessary.
We agree to the Safety Plan as stated above.
__________________________________________ ________________________________________ Student Parent
__________________________________________ ________________________________________ Principal Date
Completed / Modified / Extended: ___________________________________________________(Date)
HIB Targeted Student Safety Plan Template � Primary Grades
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