
Already Washington Certified Educators

Review the application types below to find the application that's right for you based on your current status.

Certificates you may apply for if you have previously held or currently hold a state of Washington Teaching Certificate.

The application that needs to be completed will vary depending upon the current or most previous certificate held. This list also contains Limited Teaching Certificates that must be initiated by a state of Washington employer on behalf of the educator.

Reissue and Renewal Options

Residency Teacher - Select this if you previously held or currently hold any Residency Teacher Certificate and will be reissuing or renewing.

Professional Teacher - Select this if you previously held or currently hold a Professional Teacher Certificate and will be renewing through the completion of clock hours, college credits or Professional Growth Plans (PGP).

Continuing Teacher - Select this if you previously held or currently hold a Continuing Teacher Certificate and will be renewing through the completion of clock hours, college credits or PGPs.

Career Technical Education - Select this if you are looking to renew your CTE certification.

Transitional Teacher - Select this if you hold a full, regular Teacher Certificate subject to renewal that has lapsed and do not currently meet requirements to renew your certificate.

Conditional Teacher* - Select this if you are looking to renew a Conditional Certificate you currently hold.

Emergency Substitute Teacher* - Select this if you are looking to renew an Emergency Substitute Certificate you currently hold.

First Peoples' Language, Culture and Oral Traditions Certification - Select this if you are looking to renew a First Peoples’ Certificate you currently hold.

Initial Teacher - Select this if you have previously held an Initial Teacher Certificate.

Standard/Continuing Teacher - Select this if you currently or previously held a Standard/Continuing Teacher Certificate.

Provisional Teacher - Select this if you have previously held a Provisional Teacher Certificate.

Substitute Teacher - Select this if you hold or have held a full Washington Teaching Certificate.

Upgrade and Conversion Options

Converting Provisional/Initial to Residency - Select this if you hold an expired Provisional or Initial Teacher Certificate and do not qualify to upgrade that certificate to the 2nd tier certification.

Upgrading Initial to Continuing - Select this if you qualify to upgrade your expired Initial Teacher Certificate to the Continuing Certificate. (You must have met requirements to upgrade to the second tier certificate, prior to your Initial Certificate’s expiration date).

Upgrade from Residency to Professional - Select this if you have met the requirements to upgrade your Residency Teacher Certificate to the Professional Certificate. (You must have passed the ProTeach Assessment or gained National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certification).

* Limited certificate. If an educator is eligible to hold a full teaching certificate, then they would not qualify for any of the limited certificates.