
Health and Physical Education

Training & Staff Development

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 3:00-4:30 pm
Location: Zoom

Dates: Saturday & Sunday, October 14-15
Location: Tacoma (PLU campus)

: Dating and Sexual Violence Prevention Program Training for Coaches and Athletic Mentors     
Date:  Wednesday, November 1, 5:00-8:00 pm      
Location: Dumas Bay Centre, Federal Way (in-person)

Contact Information

Health and Physical Education

Ken Turner

Associate Director, Elementary Physical Education & Content Integration

Health and Physical Education teaches our students that good health and safety principles can lead to a lifetime of healthy practices, resulting in more productive, active, and successful lives.

Learning Standards

The Health and Physical Education Standards and grade-level outcomes describe what students should know and be able to do. They establish the concepts and skills necessary for safe and healthy living, and in turn, for successful learning.


The 海角社区-developed assessments are the state assessment models designed to help schools and districts determine whether students have met the health and physical education learning standards.

School Health Profiles

School Health Profiles is a survey for middle and high school Principals and Lead Health Teachers to assess the status of health and wellness-related policies, procedures, instruction, and environments.

Laws & Resources

Resources for educators to ensure student achievement in health and physical education. Also, find WACs and RCWs that outline Health and Physical Education requirements in our state.