
Urgent Repair Grant

Contact Information

Scott Black
Program Development Manager

The Urgent Repair Grants are solely for addressing non-reoccurring urgent small repair projects at K-12 public schools, excluding skill centers, that could impact the health and safety of students and staff if not completed.

Districts are limited to one grant, not to exceed $500,000 per 3-year period.

Grant Basics

Grants may be used for, but are not limited to:

  • Repair or replacement of building systems;
  • abatement of potentially hazardous materials; and
  • safety-related structural improvements.

Projects must be for permanent and recognized educational facilities.

Grant applications must include a comprehensive description of the health and safety issues to be addressed, a detailed description of the remedy, including a detailed cost estimate of the repair or replacement of work to be performed, and identification of local funding, if any, which will be applied to the project. Cost estimates must be as accurate as possible, because the amount requested cannot be increased after submission of the application.

This grant is available in iGrants Form Package 276 and will close Thursday, December 14, at 4:00 pm.

Acceptable Areas of Need

Acceptable areas of need for this grant may include, but are not limited to the following.

Health & Safety

Considerations may include repair of structural systems, repair of a leaking roof, replacement or repair of heating system, building ventilating, or air handling/conditioning equipment, mitigation of poor indoor air quality, poor water quality, plumbing, electrical, environmental conditions within a school building such as mold and/or conditions causing mold, environmental conditions outside a school building such as tripping hazards, falling hazards, or repair of other unsafe building conditions needing immediate attention.

Fire & Life Safety Code

Considerations may include correcting or updating existing systems for building emergency or operating systems, such as emergency exit and egress pathways, fire alarm or fire suppression systems, electrical system hazards, flooding protection hazards, and mechanical system hazards needing immediate attention.

Hazardous Substance Abatement & Removal

This includes asbestos and/or lead-based materials used in the construction and preservation of school facilities. It can also include other contaminants and other substances deemed a regulation risk that is present in or around school buildings.