
SEL Online Module

Contact Information

Debra Parker
SEL Program Supervisor

The Washington Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Online Module is designed to build knowledge, awareness, and cohesiveness for teachers, administrators, and school staff of what SEL is, and why itis important. The module explains how to implement and integrate SEL into different contexts using the Washington SEL Framework. 

Module Structure, Focus, & Key Topics Covered

While the primary audience for the module is school-based practitioners, much of the content and resources are relevant to other individuals who support children and youth, particularly parents, caregivers, and community program providers. For ease, the module has been separated into 7 courses within Canvas, allowing participants to complete each course at their own pace. Free clock hours are available and will be awarded monthly.

海角社区 recommends that all school staff engage in professional learning to develop a common vision and language for student social emotional development and learn about practices that support students in cultivating social, emotional, and academic competencies. The WA SEL Online Module Facilitator Guide can support professional learning leaders in leveraging the Washington SEL Online Module to create SEL professional learning that is relevant, engaging, and interactive.

SEL 1: Introduction to Social Emotional Learning 

Segment 1 provides a high-level overview of SEL and the benefits of SEL

Key topics covered:

  • Defining SEL
  • History of SEL
  • Benefits of SEL
  • SEL in Washington state
  • SEL standards

SEL 2: Embedding SEL Schoolwide 

Segment 2 explores school-level policies and practices to embed SEL within the functioning of schools

Key topics covered:

  • Schoolwide SEL
  • Systemic SEL
  • Implementation readiness
  • Connecting SEL and other initiatives
  • Continuous improvement of SEL efforts

SEL 3: Creating a Professional Culture Based on SEL 

Segment 3 provides information about adult SEL, including implicit bias, culturally responsive practice, and ways to support school staff and engage families with SEL efforts.

Key topics covered:

  • Professional culture
  • Adult SEL
  • Cultural responsiveness
  • Implicit bias
  • Educator self-care and well-being
  • SEL professional learning
  • Family and community engagement

SEL 4: Integrating SEL into Culturally Responsive Classrooms 

Segment 4 provides tools and resources on how to embed and integrate SEL into classroom practices in a culturally responsive way.

Key topics covered:

  • Embedding SEL into daily routines
  • Culturally responsive SEL
  • Teaching practices that promote SEL
  • SEL implementation and integration strategies (classroom level)
  • Formative assessment

SEL 5: Trauma informed Practice and SEL 

Segment 5 provides information on how trauma impacts the developing brain, and thus potentially academic achievement, and shows how SEL can offer students skills to help combat those experiences.

Key topics covered:

  • Defining trauma
  • Collective trauma
  • Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
  • Impacts of trauma
  • Trauma-informed practices
  • Linking SEL and trauma-informed systems
  • Compassion fatigue

SEL 6: Identifying and Selecting Evidence-Based SEL Programs 

Segment 6 provides strategies on how to select SEL programs in a way that meets the needs of diverse students.

Key topics covered:

  • Effective SEL Programs (SAFE Programs)
  • Strength of evidence
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles
  • Equitable/culturally responsive program selection
  • Program evaluation

SEL 7: SEL Considerations for the Remote Learner

Segment 7 provides information about the various ways in which teachers and students can interact while teaching and learning in remote environments. Reviewing and reflecting on the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic had on schools, students, and families. Identifying the importance of creating inclusive, equitable, and culturally sustaining SEL instruction is necessary now more than ever to support students and staff.

Key topics covered:

  • SEL and remote learning 
  • Trauma-informed practices 
  • Adult SEL and well-being
  • Relationship building techniques
  • Equity and cultural sustainability

Creative Commons License

Except where otherwise noted, the SEL Online Education Modules by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction are licensed under a . All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.

If this work is adapted, note the substantive changes and re-title, removing any 海角社区 logos. Provide the following attribution: “This resource was adapted from SEL Online Education Modules developed by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Access the original work on the 海角社区 Student Support website.”

We also ask that you apply an open license to the new derivative work, with the least restrictive open license possible that is not in conflict with existing licenses. This will allow the public to realize the educational impact from the work created by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.