
Child Nutrition Program Reports

Contact Information

Child Nutrition Services

Leanne Eko, RD, SNS
Chief Nutrition Officer

Federally funded programs report data such as eligibility information, participation, and administrative review findings. Use this page for up-to-date information on Child Nutrition Programs.

Area Eligibility Data/Eligibility for Free and Reduced-Price Meals
Child Nutrition Services collects free and reduced-price meals eligibility data from public school districts that participate in the National School Lunch Program each year in October. The data collected in October is published in February each year.
This data reflects students enrolled in a participating school with access to school meals.

Data is aggregated to represent a school and district free and reduced-price percentages. The data can be filtered by county.

Child Nutrition Services uses this data to determine area eligibility for At-Risk Programs, Summer Programs, After School Snack Programs, the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program, CACFP Family Day Care 海角社区 Providers, as well as for Child Nutrition Services grants.

Looking for Other Data?

The Washington School Report Card contains additional school and district income information in the diversity tab of the report card. Choose the link for Enrollment by Student Program and Characteristic. The data represents enrollment on the first business day in October.

How does report card data differ from Child Nutrition Services data?

  • Report card data captures all students enrolled in the school district, including students that don’t have access to school meals like students in alternative learning experiences such as Running Start.
  • Report card data captures income data for public school districts that do not participate in the National School Lunch Program.
  • The report card data also captures student demographic data which CNS uses.
Community Eligibility Provision

More information can be found on the Community Eligibility Provision page

Fiscal Reports
School Meals Administrative Review Reports

Local Education Agencies participating in USDA School Meal Programs are required to have an Administrative review every three years. The Administrative Review is a comprehensive evaluation of school meal programs to ensure that program regulations and requirements are being met.

School Meal Price Report

School Meals Price Reports were not collected for SY 2020–21 or SY 2021–22 due to COVID waivers and exceptions.

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.