
Credit Requirements

Contact Information

Graduation & Pathways Preparation

Maria Muto

Secondary Counseling Program Supervisor

To earn a high school diploma, a student must:?

  1. Complete a High School and Beyond Plan
  2. Complete a Graduation Pathway
  3. Earn high school credits
  4. Complete Pacific Northwest History (middle school course)

Washington requires public high school students to complete a minimum number of credits to graduate. Many local school districts, however, require students to earn credits beyond the state minimum. Students must fulfill all requirements of their local district to be eligible to graduate.

Please visit the for more details on the current (or past) requirements.

Credit Requirements: Class of 2019 & Beyond

The chart below shows the state-required minimum number of credits students need.

English 4 ?
Mathematics 3
  • Algebra 1 or Integrated Math 1
  • Geometry or?Integrated Math 2
  • A 3rd credit of Math*
Science 3
  • At least two labs
  • A 3rd credit of Science*
Social Studies 3
  • 1.0 U.S. History and Government
  • .5 Contemporary World History, Geography, and Problems
  • .5 credits of Civics
  • 1.0 credits of Social Studies Elective (may include .5 credits of a second semester of Contemporary World History or the equivalent)
Arts 2
  • Performing or visual arts
  • 1 credit may be a Personalized Pathway Requirement**
Health and Fitness 2
  • .5 credits of Health
  • 1.5 credits of Fitness
  • Students must earn credit for physical education unless excused per RCW 28A.230.050
Career and Technical Education 1 May be an Occupational Education course that meets the definition of an exploratory course as described in the CTE program standards
World Language 2 Both credits may be Personalized Pathway Requirements**


4 ?
Total Required Credits


Up to 2 credits can be waived locally based on a student's unusual circumstances

*The 3rd credit of science and the 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student based on the student's interest and the High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or if the parent or guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal (WAC 180-51-068).

**Personalized Pathway Requirements are related courses that lead to a specific post-high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student, based on the student's interests and High School Beyond Plan, they may include Career and Technical Education and are intended to provide a?focus for the student's learning.