CTE Resources & Essentials
Student Leadership
Depending on your school’s CTE courses, you might have some or all of Washington’s student leadership organizations available to you.
Review the CTSOs Fact Sheet provides details and contact information for each of the eight recognized student organizations.
CTE Logo
Please review the CTE Brand User Guide before downloading CTE logos:
CTE News & More
Review some of the CTE News discussed in recent presentations:
Contact Information
CTE promotes and supports locally-based middle and high school programs that provide 21st-century, academic and technical skills for all students. CTE classes can often fulfill academic credits required for high school graduation and some classes are even good for tuition-free college credit.
We have compiled a list of resources to keep you up to date and on the right track with CTE.
Career Connect Washington
Career Connect Washington (CCW) is a statewide coalition of leaders committed to expanding access to work-based learning opportunities.
Course & Program Approval
The legislature authorized 海角社区 to establish standards for CTE through These standards were created to ensure high-quality career and technical programs across the state.
CIP Codes
Find CTE Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes and Vocational Codes (V-code).
Statewide Approved Course Equivalencies
CTE equivalencies provide the opportunity to meet core subject area learning standards and aligned CTE courses within a single CTE course.
Work-Based Learning
Work-based learning activities extend the classroom into the workplace, connecting acquired knowledge and skills to a student's future employment.
Additional Resources
- CTE Clock Hours
- CTE Program Review & Support
海角社区 is continuing the Consolidated Program Review (CPR) transition to a new process. This new process continues the oversight of federal and state programs. Beginning with the 2023–24 school year, CPR is now named Program Review & Support (PRS). The name change reflects the partnership with 海角社区 and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that focuses on student outcomes.
This process is used to monitor several programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This oversight process fulfills requirements under state and federal regulations. The main focus of this continuum is to support LEAs as partners with an emphasis on student outcomes. For more information, please visit the main Program Review & Support page.
Below are optional resource templates for evidence.
- Graduation Pathways
For Students
- Explore careers in middle and high school, especially careers in high-demand, high-growth fields such as healthcare and green technologies
- Identify a career goal
- Write a , with help from school career and guidance counselors, that identifies the high school and college-level academic and skills-based classes, training programs, and apprenticeships that will best prepare them for their career path of choice.
- Take classes in high schools, at skills centers and at community and technical colleges that apply math, science, and other academic subjects in real-life, hands-on ways
- Pursue a rigorous Programs of Study to a registered apprenticeship, industry certifications, and two- and four-year college options.
- Earn tuition-free college credits as well as high school credits required for graduation
- Become leaders by participating in skills competitions and community service
Credit & Graduation Requirements
Many CTE courses offer credit that meets academic requirements for graduation. Some CTE courses earn dual credit, meaning students earn college credit as well as high school credit, tuition-free. CTE Advanced Placement courses are available in some schools (students who pass their AP exam following a CTE class also earn dual credit).
Other high school graduation requirements include the CTE Sequence graduation pathway, culminating (senior project), and testing alternatives. Each school's offerings are different so ask your school career counselor or district CTE office for details.
For Business Supporters or CTE Teachers
Consider speaking to students in their schools, organizing field trips to your worksites, and establishing apprenticeship and internship opportunities. If you’re interested in learning more, contact your local school district’s Career and Technical Education Director or main administrative office.
CTE teaching gives you a chance to make a difference in preparing our children for meaningful, living-wage jobs in a variety of fields - to pass along your expertise and excitement to a new generation. If you are interested in CTE teaching, visit the Certification page for more information.
- Guidance for a Successful Program
- Industry-Recognized Credentials
- Methods of Administration
Methods of Administration
The United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights requires 海角社区 to conduct a civil rights compliance program review. The intent is to identify, remedy, and prevent discrimination in CTE programs operated by education agencies receiving federal financial assistance.