
Comprehensive Literacy Plan (CLP)

In 2010, Washington state received funds from the U.S. Department of Education to develop a Comprehensive Literacy Plan (CLP). The purpose of the CLP is to provide guidance and support for literacy practitioners—from caregivers to teachers to administrators along the birth to grade 12 continuum—as they build and sustain comprehensive literacy systems for their communities.

Download DRAFT Comprehensive Literacy Plan

Available now in draft form, the Plan incorporates guidance from the 30-member Birth to Grade 12 State Literacy Team. The Plan builds upon the Washington State K-12 Reading Model of 2005 and addresses the crucial role that early learning plays in developing children's literacy.

In addition, the Plan:

  • Focuses on Birth to Grade 12.
  • Expands the definition of literacy to include new research on brain development and the skills needed for success in today's society.
  • Integrates the Common Core State Standards and the Response to Intervention Framework.
  • Encompasses all learning content areas.
  • Promotes the use of technology.
  • Ties it all together with the SAILS framework.