
Military Kids Resources

Contact Us

Dixie Grunenfelder

Executive Director, Student Engagement and Support

Interstate Compact

For more Interstate Compact information and resources, including successful transition videos, links to state representatives, and more, visit the , or MIC3, website. Check out their “Parents” drop-down menu, and view the following publications:

Military OneSource’s military-trained consultants are also available 24/7 to help with and questions. To schedule an appointment, call 800-342-9647, set up a , or view .

Interstate Compact Resources

Tutor.com for U.S. Military 海角社区

Tutor.com for U.S. Military 海角社区 (Tutor.com/military), funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CMGA), is a program that allows eligible students in grades kindergarten through college to connect to a live tutor online at any time (24/7/361) for one‐to‐one help with homework, studying, test prep and more, at no cost.

To support DoD‐affiliated personnel and their families who are being impacted by COVID‐19 disruptions, DoD Military Community and Family Policy (MC&FP) leadership temporarily expanded eligibility for Tutor.com/ military. As of April 2020, all DoD service members, civilian personnel, and all dependent family members are eligible. DoD military children in grades K‐12, Coast Guard families, and DoDEA students who were eligible to use Tutor.com/military prior to April 2020 will continue to access the program as usual.

Resources by Group


This site has lesson plans and resources for teaching students of all grade levels.

This book was produced by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.-->

This is the official website of the Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission. The goal of the interstate compact is to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents. The compact seeks to make the transition easier for children of military families, so they are afforded the same opportunities for educational success as other children and not penalized or delayed in achieving their educational goals. Applicable to transfers among public schools, it addresses key education issues encountered by military families in the areas of enrollment, eligibility, placement, and graduation.

MCEC provides training and leadership to ensure quality, inclusive educational experiences for all military children.

Our online training program for mentors working with military students. Find information specific to using the of school-based mentoring for military students.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network has developed many resources for working with children.

Many resources are provided to help with planning a Veteran's Day Assembly, including a downloadable Teacher's Guide.


This library provides Service members, families, leaders, health care providers, and veterans an easy way to find deployment health and family readiness information. Within this library you'll find access to fact sheets, guides, and other products on a wide variety of topics published by the services and organizations that serve you. You'll also find additional web links to other organizations and resources devoted to the health and well-being of the Service member and their family

MCEC provides training and leadership to ensure quality, inclusive educational experiences for all military children.

The purpose is to build supportive connections between military families and community resources.

This site helps military kids connect with each other and share common concerns.

Military OneSource is a free service the Department of Defense provides to support military members and their families with concerns like money management, spouse employment, education, parenting, relocation, deployment, and family members with special needs. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any location in the world.

The Navy Fleet and Family Support Program offers assistance to all Navy personnel.

This site provides contact information for School Liaison Officers for all branches.

This site provides information from the School Liaison Office at JBLM.

Tutor.com can connect you to a professional tutor whenever you need one. This service is provided by the Department of Defense at no cost to military families.

This is the official website of the Washington National Guard, including Child and Youth Programs.

This organization provides veterans with food, clothing, shelter, medical assistance, and education.

Parents of Students with Special Needs
  • : The directory provides the information you need to make informed decisions about education and early intervention services.
  • : Your local installation EFMP Family Support staff can help you identify and access programs and services related to education, outreach, local school, and early intervention services.
  • Special Needs Consultants: Special needs consultants can be accessed through Military OneSource . Consultants are available by phone or video to help you navigate the medical and educational needs of your family and connect you with military and community-based support.