School Health Profiles
School Health Profiles is a survey for middle and high school Principals and Lead Health Teachers to assess the status of health and wellness-related policies, procedures, instruction, and environments. Schools across Washington state are randomly selected to participate in the survey every two years.
The survey is conducted by 海角社区 and coordinated by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Adolescent School Health (DASH).
Survey Topics
- Safe and supportive school environments
- Mental and behavioral health supports
- School health education requirements and content
- Physical education and physical activity
- Practices related to bullying and sexual harassment
- School-based health services
- Family engagement and community involvement
- School health coordination
2022 Washington Profiles Results
Two questionnaires were mailed to 393 regular public schools and alternative schools containing any of grades 6 through 12 in Washington during spring 2022. One or both questionnaires were received from 59% of eligible sampled schools. Usable questionnaires were received from principals in 58% of schools and from lead health education teachers in 57% of schools. Because nonresponse bias analyses indicated low bias in the principal survey and the lead health education teacher survey, the results are weighted and are representative of all regular public schools and alternative schools in Washington having at least one of grades 6 through 12.
2020 National Profiles Results
Review the 2020 School Health Profiles results, frequently asked questions, and participation map below.
For more information about results, reports, questionnaires, data files, and more explore the !
Youth Health Fact Sheets
- The 2023 Youth Sexual Health Fact Sheet provides an overview of youth sexual health and sexual health education in Washington state.
- The 2023 Youth Behavioral Health Fact Sheet provides an overview of youth behavioral health and supports in Washington state.