School Safety Center
School Safety Center Monthly Office Hours
First Monday of the month from 9a-10a and Third Monday of the month from 3:30p-4:30p
Please email school safety center to join.
Contact Information
The School Safety resources are for districts and schools to help in the development of high-quality emergency operations and safety plans. Feeling safe is fundamental for a positive school climate and learning environment. requires all public-school districts and public schools to have current school safety plans and procedures in place.
Comprehensive Safety Planning Toolkit
A Comprehensive School Safety Plan outlines how a district or school is prepared to address the Presidential Policy Directive-8 (PPD-8) 5 Mission Areas: prevention, mitigation, protection, response, and recovery from emergencies resulting from any and all threats and hazards.
Cyberbullying & Digital/Internet Safety
Cyberbullying is bullying using electronic devices to initiate repeated negative behavior toward a less-powerful person. Schools are permitted to discipline students who engage in cyberbullying if it disrupts the orderly operation of the school.
Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying (HIB)
Every school district shall designate one person in the district as the primary contact regarding the anti-harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) policy. Explore the HIB compliance officer contact list, HIB toolkit, and more.
Restraint and Isolation
The Washington State Legislature appropriated funds for 海角社区 to monitor, and provide training, technical assistance, and other support to schools and districts to reduce the use of restraint and isolation.
School-Based Threat Assessment
All LEAs were required to have School-Based Threat Assessment Programs and teams in place. The Threat Assessment Coordinators support districts in their implementation of Threat Assessment Programs.
School Safety & Security Staff
What was previously referred to as the School Resource Officer (SRO) program has now been expanded to the School Safety and Security Staff Program. Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1214 (2021–22) requires that 海角社区 collect school safety and security staffing data from school districts.
School Safety Preparedness & Response
Resources provided to assist educators, student support professionals, community organizations, caregivers and students to create safe, positive and successful school environments in all of Washington’s schools.
School Safety and Student Well-being Advisory Committee
The purpose of the SS-SWAC is to advise 海角社区, the RSSCs, school districts, and public and private schools on all matters related to comprehensive school safety and student well-being.
Youth Suicide Prevention, Intervention, & Postvention
Suicide prevention planning informs all adults in schools and communities about how to intervene with a young person exhibiting warning signs for suicide.