ELA Assessment
Using Individual Interim Questions
Want to take a look at interim items? Check out the video on 海角社区's YouTube channel.
Contact Information
Assessment Development ELA
Maja Wilson
ELAAssessment Specialist
Welcome to ELA Assessment. Washington ELA uses the Smarter Balanced Assessment System, aligned to the Washington K-12 Learning Standards. The system consist of three major components designed to improve teaching and learning: Summative assessments, Interim assessments, and Tools for Teachers resources focused on the formative assessment process. Please reach out to us if you have any assessment-related questions.
The WCAP Portal is the access point for assessment tools and resources.
Distance Learning
Formative Assessment During Distance Learning: Recapturing "In-the-Moment" Observations that Inform Instruction.
- are available now to support student familiarity with the test format and tools.
- For information about the status of state tests, timelines, and administration windows, please visit the Timelines & Calendar page.
Assessments, Trainings, & Resources
- Summative Assessment
- Grade 10 ELA and Mathematics Testing and Content
- : Access claims, targets, and standards by grade.
- Interim Assessments
- Interim Blocks Connections Table
- : Access claims, targets, and standards by grade.
- Training and Practice Tests and Sample Items
- : Scoring Guide, PT Writing Rubrics, Annotated Anchors for PTs
- Scoring Resources
- : Scoring Guide, PT Writing Rubrics, Annotated Anchors for PTs
- Condition Codes
- Marbles Scoring
THSS Guides and Rubrics
Grades THSS Guides Rubrics Claim 1 Rubrics Claim 2 Full Write Rubrics Claim 2 3-5 3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th GradeShort Text Rubrics Brief-Write Rubrics Narrative
Opinion6-8 6th Grade
7th Grade
8th GradeShort Text Rubrics Brief-Write Rubrics Narrative
ArgumentativeHS High School Short Text Rubrics Brief-Write Rubrics Explanatory
Argumentative - Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations
- Accommodated Paper-Pencil Practice Test Booklets
- Test Booklet 3-5 | 6-High School
- Answer Booklet 3-5 | 6-High School
- Teacher Sample Booklet Companion Document 3-5 | 6-High School
- Accommodated Paper-Pencil Practice Test Booklets