Training and Presentations
Contact Information
These trainings and presentations offer non-authoritative guidance in understanding and applying 海角社区, State, and Federal requirements. Authoritative guidance may be found under the Instructions and WAC links on our website.
2023-24 ESD Annual Financial Report Presentation
This presentation goes over the new template for the F-185 (Posted 8/29/2024).
2024 Session & Supplemental Budget Overview webinar (March 27, 2024)
2024 Session & Supplemental Budget Overview
Enrollment Training
PowerPoint for August 2024 Enrollment Training (Posted August 9, 2024) - This training covers updates for 2024-25, review of enrollment reporting rules, and tips for the EDS Enrollment application. A recording of the August 2024 Training is available. Email SAFS Enrollment to receive an email with a copy of the recording.
S-275 Personnel Reporting Training
S-275 Personnel Reporting & Its Role in K-12 School Funding (Posted 10/30/2020). This presentation is an overview describing the K–12 funding and the S-275 reporting.
F-196 End of Year Training
SAFS 2022-23 F-196 End of Year Workshop (Posted August 17, 2023). This presentation is an overview of F-196 financial reporting reminders, tools, tips, and updates.
WASBO Presentations
- WASBO 2024
- SAFS Hot Topics and Legislative Updates—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas, Dan Steele (WASBO/WASA)
- SAFS Hot Topics—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas
- SAFS FAQs—Melissa Jarmon, Mike Sando, Paul Stone
- Binding Conditions Overview—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas
- Educational Programs and Operation (EPO) Levies: What it Takes to Submit EPO Levies to Voters—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas, Lee Marchisio (Foster Garvey P.C.), Ryan Swanson (Piper Sandler & Co.)
- Enrollment 101 and Updates for the 2023-24 School Year—Becky McLean
- 2023-24 Fiscal and System Updates, F-195—Paul Stone, Lee Wlazlak
- 2023-24 Fiscal and System Updates, F-196—Paul Stone, Mike Sando
- WASBO 2023
- Enrollment 101, Updates for the 2023-24 school year, and Determining FTE Based on Bell Schedule Guidance—Becky McLean
- SAFS Hot Topics and Legislative Updates—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas, Dan Steele (WASBO/WASA)
- SAFS Hot Topics—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas
- SY 2022-23 Fiscal and System Updates, F-196—Paul Stone, Mike Sando
- SY 2023-24 Fiscal and System Updates, F-195—Paul Stone, Lee Wlazlak
- Financial Resources FAQs—Paul Stone, Mike Sando, Lee Wlazlak
- EPO Levies: Processes to Prepare for and Implement—T.J. Kelly, Jane Murray (Puget Sound ESD), Ryan Swanson (Piper Sandler & Co.), Jim McNeil (Foster Garvey PC)
- School District Binding Conditions and Financial Oversight—T.J. Kelly, Jolynn Berge (ESD 113)
- WASBO 2022
Enrollment 101—Becky McLean
- Updates for the 2022-23 School Year
- Calculating FTE Tool
- Basics of Enrollment Reporting
Identifying Leases Subject to the new Requirements—Paul Stone, Holly Burlingame (WASBO), Ryan Montgomery (SAO)
- Prepare for Lease Accounting
- Creating a List of Leases
- Deciding which leases to include or exclude
- Definitions
- Resources
SAFS Hot Topics—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas, Melissa Jarmon
- Enrollment Stabilization & One-time funding
- Levy and Local Effort Assistance (LEA)
- Prototypical School Funding
- Physical, Social, and Emotional Support Staff Compliance
- Compensation Allocations
- Other School Apportionment and Financial Services (SAFS) Related Issues
- Systems Updates (Actual or Projected Release Dates)
SAFS Hot Topics & Legislative Update—T.J. Kelly, Michelle Matakas, Dan Steele (WASBO/WASA)
- Enrollment Stabilization & One-time funding
- Levy and Local Effort Assistance (LEA)
- Prototypical School Funding
- Physical, Social, and Emotional Support Staff Compliance
- Compensation Allocations
- Other School Apportionment and Financial Services (SAFS) Related
- Issues
- Systems Updates (Actual or Projected Release Dates)
- 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget
- Bills of Interest Adopted & Defeated
F-195 Budgeting and Accounting Update for SY 2022–23—Paul Stone, Lee Wlazlak
- New Budgeting Personnel at 海角社区
- F-195/F 200 Redesign Project Update
- FY 2022–23 F-195 Update
- F-195F Reminders for FY 2022–23
- Budget Extension Reminders for FY 2021–22
F-196 Financial Reporting and Accounting Updates for SY 2021–22—Paul Stone, Mike Sando
- F-196 Basic Information
- Certification
- Importing Data
- Beginning Fund Balances sub fund
- Program Matrix
- Resource to Program Expenditure Report
- New F-196 Items
- Additional Resources
- WASBO 2021
- SAFS and WASA Hot Topics - Michelle Matakas and T.J. Kelly review Stabilization/Emergency funds, ESSER funds, and the 2021-22 Biennium Operating budget. Dan Steele provides an update on the 2021 Legislative session that includes a review of the 2021-23 Capital budget and bills of interests.
- Enrollment Reporting 101 - Becky McLean presents a review of the enrollment reporting rules.
- School District Accounting Manual (SDAM) Updates - Paul Stone covers updates to the SDAM, addendums to the 2020-21 SDAM, Federal Program Guidance, and Revisions to the 2021-22 SDAM.
- 2021-2022 School Financial Services Updates - Mike Dooley provides updates to the the F-195/F-200 redesign project and the 2021-22 F-195 and reminders for the 2021-22 F-195F and 2020-21 Budget Extensions.
- 2021-2022 F-196 Updates - Ralph Fortunato addresses the 2020-21 F-196 updates.
- Accounting for Leases: GASB 87 - Holly Burlingame, Ryan Montegomery, and Paul Stone provide guidance on GASB 87 Accounting for Leases.
- WASBO 2020
- F-196 Year End Workshop - Ralph Fortunato provides updates and review on revisions to the F196 Financial Reporting System.
- Transportation Workshop - T.J. Kelly and Michelle Matakas provide an update on the potential impacts of Covid-19 on transportation.
- Accounting Year End Workshop - Paul Stone covers topics such as year end accounting tools, ESSERF claims, food and transportation programs, and NCES codes.
- WASBO 2019
- 2019-20 Accounting Changes - Paul Stone provides an update on revisions to the 2019-20 school year Accounting Manual, and changes made to the chart of accounts and fiscal reporting.
- 2018-19 School Financial Services Update - Ralph Fortunato provides a school financial services update.
- 2019-20 School Financial Services Budgeting Update - Mike Dooley provides a school financial services budgeting update.
- 2019-21 Biennial Budget Update - Michelle Matakas and T.J. Kelly review what we know of the 2019 legislative session to date relating to School Apportionment and Financial Services.
- WASBO 2018
- Enrollment Reporting Update - Becky McLean presented on current enrollment issues including the FTE change for 2018-19.
- Understanding Levies and Local Effort Assistance - Michelle Matakas and Melissa Jarmon provided information on understanding Levies and Local Effort Assistance.
- WASBO 2017
- SAFS Hot Topics - Michelle Matakas and T.J. Kelly reviews what we know of the 2017 legislative session to date relating to School Apportionment and Financial Services.
- Enrollment Reporting Update - Becky McLean presented on current enrollment issues.
- K-3 Funding Formula Walk-through - Melissa Jarmon provided an explanation on the calculation and how to spot errors in the reports.
- WASBO 2016
- School Apportionment Hot Topics - T.J. Kelly presented the hot topics in school apportionment.
- SB 6195 Data Collection - Michelle Matakas and T.J. Kelly presented on the proposed structure of the compensation data collection as required in SB 6195.
- Hot Topics and Legislative Update - JoLynn Berge, Kim Brodie, Mitch Denning, and T.J. Kelly contributed to a two hour long session addressing recently passed legislation and apportionment hot topics.
- Enrollment Reporting Update - Becky McLean gave a presentation on the transition to school level enrollment reporting for the 2016-17 school year.