
Special Education Data Collection

Special Education Reporting Deadlines

Contact Information

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 海角社区 is required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR). The APR incorporates performance indicators (provided by OSEP), activities, and targets for each indicator. 海角社区 must also publicly report each district's annual progress for indicators 1–14.

State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Reports (APR)

Office Hours

Office hours with the Special Education Operations Team via Zoom are scheduled from 1–1:30 pm every Wednesday, resuming September 18, 2024. . During these office hours, districts can chat about current issues and ask questions. We'll share any modifications to this schedule. Questions or topics can be submitted to the special education data team.

District Data Profiles

海角社区 must report annually to the public on the performance of each school district or educational service agency located in the state of Washington on the targets set in the state performance plan (SPP).

Enter the district's five-digit county-district code in the cell indicated in each Excel document to display a districts composite of performance indicators cited in the annual performance report.
* Note, to avoid security and save changes prompts:

  • Right-clicking a link (instead of the normal left click)
  • Select "Save Target as..."
  • Save to your hard drive (Desktop/My Documents)
Washington State Annual Performance Report (APR) LEA District Profiles

Federal Data Collection Processes

海角社区 collects special education data, which must be submitted annually to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), US Department of Education.

Data Collection Summaries

Federal and state special education regulations require that school districts provide information regarding the numbers and types of students with an IEP by placement option within the district's continuum of alternative placements, as well as the student's disability category, ethnicity, gender, and English Learner (EL) status.