
Healthy Kids-Healthy Schools Grants

Contact Information

Morgan Powell
High Performance Schools Coordinator

Funds for this grant are available in two categories: physical education/physical activity and nutrition. The nutrition category includes but is not limited to, renovations or repairs, new purchases and improvements to cafeteria and kitchen equipment, and spaces, water bottle filling stations, garden-related structures, and greenhouses. Garden related and greenhouse projects must provide students access to fresh produce. The physical education and physical activity category includes, but is not limited to, physical education renovation, indoor or outdoor physical education equipment, playground equipment, covered play areas, related structures and renovations. Prior to applying, districts must consider their ability to sustain improvements over time. Districts receiving funding must also demonstrate a consistent commitment to addressing school facilities’ needs. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis. No single district may receive more than $200,000.

Districts may apply for this grant in iGrants, Form Package 224. The grant application will close on November 30, 2023.

Grant Process Key Points

  • There is not district leveraged or matching funds requirement.
  • Grants are for procurement of equipment, repair, and renovation of existing equipment or facilities, or design and construction of new facility space and infrastructure related to the categories listed above.
  • In-house labor costs will not be reimbursed.
  • For more information including scoring criteria, see Form Package 224.