
Asset Preservation Program

Contact Information

Scott Black
Program Development Manager

An asset preservation program () is a systematic approach to ensure performance accountability; promote student health and safety by maintaining and operating building systems to their design capacity; maintain an encouraging learning environment; and extend building life, thus minimizing future capital needs.

The APP evolved from a State Board of Education policy developed in 1992. The intent of the program is to ensure that taxpayer investment in state assisted construction of school facilities is protected through a system of building maintenance.

The APP applies to school districts that received state assistance for new and school buildings accepted by local school board directors after December 31, 1993. Review the Asset Preservation Program (APP) Qualifications to determine buildings that should participate in the program. Participation in the APP is one requirement of eligibility for future state assistance.

Asset Preservation Program Components

Asset Preservation Program Resolution

A commitment from the school board of directors, in the form of an APP board resolution, to implement best practices of school building maintenance through the adoption of APP.

By passing an APP resolution, the school board is committing the district to preserve their state assisted building(s) through a systematic maintenance plan. Additionally, the district is committing to assess the condition of the building(s) annually and report on the findings to the school board at a public meeting by April 1 of each calendar year. See Sample Board Resolution.

APP District Policy: A district policy is not a requirement of the APP; however, Washington State School Directors' Association of School Administrators (WSSDA) and 海角社区 have collaborated to provide a model policy and district policy.

APP District Procedures: District procedures are not a requirement of the APP; however, Washington State School Directors' Association of School Administrators (WSSDA) and 海角社区 are currently collaborating to produce model procedures.

Asset Preservation System

The implementation of an Asset Preservation System (APS) or maintenance plan that is proactive, predictive or preventative for maintaining a facility over its 30-year expected life cycle.

To fulfill the Asset Preservation Program requirements, a district must develop and implement an Asset Preservation System (APS), which is a series of tasks that are proactive, predictive or preventative to maintain the day-to-day health, safety, and instructional quality of the school facility. This can be accomplished by adjusting the district's current maintenance plan or by creating a new plan for their APP buildings.

Another option is to adopt one of three model plans. The model plans were developed in collaboration with school district maintenance personnel to address different school district sizes, budgets and resources. Model plans include Basic, Moderate and Comprehensive. Each model includes:

  • Topic - Building Component
  • Type - Component Details
  • Inspections - Visual Condition
  • Tasks - Deficiency Mitigation
  • Frequencies - Inspection Schedule

Please submit a certification letter verifying your district has adopted an APS-Sample Letter. Note: It is not necessary to include your APS plan.

Building Condition Assessment

An annual Building Condition Assessment (BCA) and a report detailing the results of that assessment to the school board of directors and 海角社区.

School districts need to conduct a Building Condition Assessment of APP buildings and report the results in a public school board meeting, by April 1 of each calendar year.

Building Condition Assessment: The Building Condition Assessment is a systematic rating of common building components and is based on coding and categories. The five major Assemblies are substructure, shell, interiors, services and furnishings. Under the five major Assemblies are Sub-assemblies and Components. The BCA scoring consists of ratings at the component level with choices that include excellent, good, fair, poor and unsatisfactory. The individual component scores are combined to produce a total building condition score based on a 100 point scale.

Building Condition Assessment Model: The Building Condition Assessment Model is a tool for determining compliance with the Asset Preservation Program. The annual BCA score is compared with a yearly depreciation schedule, the Building Condition Assessment Model, which is based on and supported by industry research and historically collected data.

Reporting: These reports measure the condition of participating buildings against the Building Condition Assessment Model:

  • Annual Reporting: During the 30-year life of the building, school districts must assess the condition of each APP building, using the Building Condition Assessment, and report the results in a public meeting of the school district board by April 1 of each calendar year.
  • Six-Year Certified Reporting: A certified assessor must assess the condition of each APP building using the Building Condition Assessment every 6th year of a building's 30 year life (6, 12,18, 24, 30) and the results of the report must be presented in a public meeting of the school district board by April 1 of that year.

Certified Building Condition Assessments (BCA)
To be qualified to perform certified building condition assessments for study and surveys and asset preservation program buildings, consultants must attend an 海角社区 Certified Building Condition Assessment training. The training is required for all consultants who will work with school districts to complete Inventory and Building Condition Assessments. If you need to be certified, please contact School Facilities at (360) 725-6265.