District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Adna | James Forrest Superintendent |
forrestj@adnaschools.org |
Almira | Kelsey Hoppe Principal |
509-639-2414 khoppe@almirasd.org |
Anacortes | Shannon Gilbert Director Inclusive Services |
360-503-1216 sgilbert@asd103.org |
Arlington | Kerri Helgeson Director of Equity and Student Well-Being |
360-618-6228 khelgeson@asd.wednet.edu |
Asotin-Anatone | Sandra Brott | 509-243-4151 sbrott@aasd.wednet.edu |
Auburn | Rhonda Larson | 253-931-4712 rlarson@auburn.wednet.edu |
Auburn | Christine Clark-Gustafson | 253-931-4902 cclarkgustafson@auburn.wednet.edu |
Bainbridge Island | Kristen Haizlip Executive Director of Teaching & Learning |
206-780-1058 khaizlip@bisd303.org |
Battle Ground | Whittney Cartasegna Paralegal |
360-885-5306 cartasegna.whittney@battlegroundps.org |
Battle Ground | Thomas Adams | 360-885-5415 adams.tom@battlegroundps.org |
Bellevue | Glenn Hasslinger | 425-456-4201 hassling@bsd405.org |
Bellingham | Trista Moreno Truancy Liaison |
360-676-2787 trista.moreno@bellinghamschools.org |
Bethel | Karina Abbott BECCA/Truancy Liaison |
253-800-6850 kabbott@bethelsd.org |
Bickleton | Tom Whitmore | 509-896-5473 twhitmore@bickletonschools.org |
Blaine | Michelle Nilsen | 360-332-5881 mnilsen@blainesd.org |
Boistfort | Rebecca Fagernes | 360-245-3343 rfagernes@boistfort.k12.wa.us |
Bremerton | Melissa Rohr College and Career Program Administrator |
360-473-0962 Melissa.rohr@bremertonschools.org |
Brewster | Bonny Theis Special Education Director/Title 1 |
5096892581 x2316 btheis@brewsterbears.org |
Bridgeport | Tamra Jackson Bridgeport High School Principal |
509-686-8770 tjackson@bsd75.org |
Brinnon | Patricia Beathard Superintendent |
360-796-4646 pbeathard@bsd46.org |
Burlington-Edison | Jeff Brown Executive Director, Student Support Services |
360-757-3311 x1006 jbrown@be.wednet.edu |
Camas | Michelle McCarthy Truancy Secretary |
360-833-5850 ext. 77564 michelle.mccarthy@camas.wednet.edu |
Cape Flattery | Justina Brown Cape Flattery School District Liaison |
360-645-2004 tbrown@cfsd401.org |
Carbonado | Jessie Sprouse Superintendent |
360-829-0121 jsprouse@carbonado.k12.wa.us |
Cascade | Annika Bibby Assistant Principal |
509-548-5277 abibby@cascadesd.org |