District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Meridian | Todd Torgeson | 3603982291 ttorgeson@meridian.wednet.edu |
Methow Valley | Melissa Quigley Attendance Secretary |
5092933710 mequigley@methow.org |
Mill A | Kaylene Herman Dean of Students |
509-538-2522 kaylene.herman@millasd.org |
Monroe | Melissa Bowden Director of Student Information Systems |
360-804-2552 bowdenm@monroe.wednet.edu |
Montesano | Anne Greene Principal Montesano Jr / Sr High |
3602494041 agreene@monteschools.org |
Morton | Denise Nelson District Truancy Officer |
360-496-5137 dnelson@morton.k12.wa.us |
Moses Lake | Nick Bontrager Director, State & Federal Programs |
509-766-2650 nbontrager@mlsd161.org |
Mossyrock | Lori Cournyer | 360-983-3183 lcournyer@mossyrockschools.org |
Mount Adams | Maria Anguiano Program Records Clerk |
509-874-8613 mariaa@masd209.org |
Mount Baker | Mary Sewright | 360-383-2000 x 4600 msewright@mtbaker.wednet.edu |
Mount Vernon | Melissa Van Straten Director of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership |
360-428-6110 mvanstraten@mvsd320.org |
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe | John Lombardi Superintendent |
253-931-6709 john.lombardi@muckleshoottribalschool.org |
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe | Donald Dorsey Lead Attendance Mentor |
253-931-6709 Donald.Dorsey@muckleshoottribalschool.org |
Mukilteo | Michelle Cruz Galvez Administrative Assistant I ? Equity, Family & Community Partnerships |
425-356-1274 cruzgalvezmx@mukilteo.wednet.edu |
Mukilteo | Eugenia Collins | 425-356-6622 collinsex@mukilteo.wednet.edu |
Naches Valley | Robert Bowman | 509-653-1802 rbowman@nvsd.org |
Napavine | Josh Fay Dean of Students |
360-262-3303 jfay@napavineschools.org |
Naselle-Grays River Valley | Justin Laine Principal |
3604809634 jlaine@naselleschools.org |
Newport | Shannon Prange Truancy Coordinator |
509-447-0656 prangeshannon@newportgriz.com |
Nine Mile Falls | Ryan Arnold Assistant Principal |
509-340-4207 rarnold@9mile.org |
Nooksack Valley | Tom Harmon Administration |
360-966-7561 tom.harmon@nv.k12.wa.us |
North Beach | Jodi Brown Athletic Director/Principal's Administrative Assistant, Jr High Volleyball Coach, Court Liaison, TADD |
360-289-3888 jbrown@northbeachschools.org |
North Franklin | Marci Cox | 509-234-2021 Mcox@nfsd.org |
North Kitsap | Megan Sawicki Systems and Student Support Program Supervisor |
(360)-396-3048 x1 msawicki@nkschools.org |
North Kitsap | Megan Sawicki Systems and Student Support Program Supervisor |
380-396-3001 msawicki@nkschools.org |