District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
North Mason | Cris Turner Director of Systems & Supports |
360-277-2295 cturner@northmasonschools.org |
North River | Rick Winters Superintendent |
360-532-3079 rwinters@nr.k12.wa.us |
North Thurston Public Schools | Stephanie Weinheimer Director of Student Achievement |
360-412-4466 x40219 sweinheimer@nthurston.k12.wa.us |
Northport | Don Baribault | 509-732-4430 dbaribault@northportschools.org |
Northshore | Ana Loera Foy | 425-408-7277 afoy@nsd.org |
Oak Harbor | Dwight Lundstrom | 360-279-5006 dlundstrom@ohsd.net |
Oak Harbor | Wisemine D'Avilar Dean of Student for Oak Harbor High School |
3602795704 wdavilar@ohsd.net |
Oakesdale | Jake Dingman | 509-285-5296 jdingman@gonighthawks.net |
Oakville | Talisa Capoeman Attendance Lead |
360-273-0171 x2 tcapoeman@oakvilleschools.org |
Ocean Beach | Amy Huntley | 360-642-3739 amy.huntley@oceanbeachschools.org |
Ocosta | Mike Cumming JHHS Principal |
360-268-9125 mcummings@ocosta.org |
Ocosta | Ben Toney Counselor |
360-268-9125 ben.toney@ocosta.org |
Okanogan | Jennifer Heindselman | 509-826-7612 jheindselman@oksd.wednet.edu |
Olympia | Sheralyn Weimer Assistant Director of College & Career Readiness |
360-596-8542 sweimer@osd.wednet.edu |
Omak | Jordan Sackman Family Engagement Specialist |
509-322-9361 jsackman@omaksd.org |
Onalaska | Kristin Soderback | 360-978-4111 ksoderback@onysd.wednet.edu |
Onion Creek | Alyson Clendenen Principal/Middle School Tracher |
509-732-4240 aclendenen@ocsd30.org |
Orcas Island | Rebekah Hardee | 360-376-2287 rhardee@orcas.k12.wa.us |
Orient | Chris Petterson | 509-684-6873 chris.petterson@orientsd.org |
Oroville | Jamie Mikelson | 509-476-3332 jamie.mikelson@oroville.wednet.edu |
Orting | Christopher Willis | 360-893-6500 willisc@orting.wednet.edu |
Othello | Josh Tovar Principal |
509-488-2659 joshtovar@othelloschools.org |
Palisades | Tabatha Mires Tabatha Mires |
5098848071 jstreeter@palisades.wednet.edu |
Palouse | Sandra Krause-Ayers Principal |
509-878-1921 skrause-ayers@garpal.net |
Pasco | Alice Amaya Director of Student Support |
509-543-6727 aamaya@psd1.org |