
Initial Teaching Certificate


to 海角社区.

This application is for those educators who are renewing their Initial Teacher certification through the completion of the requirements listed below.


  • Teachers who hold a valid Initial Certificate OR hold an expired Initial Certificate and met requirements for renewal before expiration, can apply late (with a $100 late fee)
  • In order to renew, the educator must have completed the coursework requirement for the Continuing Certificate.
  • Completed 15 Quarter college credits (10 Semester college credits) since the issuance of the most recent Initial Certificate
  • Teachers may renew the Initial Certificate only once after 9/1/00
  • Submission of fingerprints for a background check is required, if a valid certificate is not already on record

UPGRADE NOTE: An educator may apply to move to the Continuing Certificate if they completed all requirements for that certificate before the expiration date of their Initial Certificate with an additional $100 late fee.

CONVERTING NOTE: If an educator does not qualify to renew their Initial Certificate or upgrade to the Continuing Certificate, then they can apply to convert their certificate to the Residency First Issue Certificate.


If you have all necessary documentation to apply for this certificate, login to: E-Certification

*IMPORTANT: Please note that application fees are NOT refundable. Ensure that you select and submit the correct application. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact our office.