
Native Education - Rules and Regulations

Federal Law

Title VI, Part A - Indian, Native Hawaiian and Alaska Native Education
Districts and tribal organizations supplement the state's basic education allocation through this program. Title VI, Part A is governed by the The No Child Left Behind Act converted earlier Indian education programs into Title VI, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. In Washington, Title VI, Part A funds support a variety of programs-after-school, academic enrichment, tutoring and dropout prevention, and more.


(Section 7101 ). It is the purpose of this part to support the efforts of local educational agencies, Indian tribes and organizations, postsecondary institutions, and other entities to meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students so that such students can meet the same challenging State student academic achievement standards as all other students are expected to meet.


This part carries out the purpose described in subsection (a) by authorizing programs of direct assistance for - (1) meeting the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives; (2) the education of Indian children and adults; (3) the training of Indian persons as educators and counselors, and in other professions serving Indian people; and (4) research, evaluation, data collection, and technical assistance.

- Education Contracts under the Johnson-O'Malley Act §273.1 - Purpose and scope (a) The purpose of the regulations in this part is to set forth the application and approval process for education contracts under the Johnson-O'Malley Act. Such contracts shall be for the purpose of financially assisting those efforts designed to meet the specialized and unique educational needs of eligible Indian students, including programs supplemental to the regular school program and school operational support, where such support is necessary to maintain established State educational standards.
- Eligible applicants │ - Eligible students

Supports districts and tribes as they design programs able to meet the unique educational and cultural needs of Native American children. There is a good directory of federal sites that serve and fund programs for Indian education, as well as data, policy, and regulation on the home page.

State Law

State-Tribal Education Compact Schools

- State-Tribal Education Compact Schools

- Purpose The purposes of this chapter are to: (1) Implement chapter RCW; (2) Set forth policies and procedures for initiating the process of establishing state-tribal education compacts in the state of Washington; (3) Define the roles and responsibilities of the superintendent of public instruction and eligible federally recognized tribes and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIE) schools in establishing state-tribal education compacts; and (4) Establish accountability standards that are applicable to all schools that are the subject of state-tribal education compacts.

Eligible tribes, recognized by the federal government or tribal schools that contract with the Bureau of Indian Education are able to apply for a state-tribal education compact. The tribal councils that oversee these schools and 海角社区 approve the applications.

  • - Application-Approval process-Timeline.
  • - Application-Content.
  • - Application-Assurances.

Revised Code of Washington (RCW)

  • - State-Tribal Compacts Authority Covers legislative intent, purpose, authority, school operation, reporting and funding
  • - Findings-Intent-Purpose Authorizes the superintendent of public instruction to enter into state-tribal education compacts.

First Peoples' First Language, Culture, & Oral Traditions Teacher Certification Program

Certification Application Process and Supports-

  • 2007 ESSB 5269 First Peoples' Language/Culture Certificate Program
  • -First peoples' language, culture, and oral tribal traditions teacher certification programEstablishedRules.
  • -First peoples' language, culture, and oral tribal traditions certification program—Findings, purposes and intent—Definitions—Program established—Tribal eligibility to participate—Program requirements—Assignment of teachers—Reports.
  • -Types of certificates.