Academic Learning is Social and Emotional: Integration Tools
Debra Parker
SEL Program Supervisor
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This set of resources helps educators build their knowledge and skills to use SEL practices in their classroom instruction. The resources help educators create supportive classroom environments that focus on equity.
The resources include:
- Three interactive online learning modules and a learning journal
- Nine supporting tools
- Four videos showing real classroom examples and educator guidance
After you enroll in the course through pdEnroller, you will receive an email giving you access to the module.
Course Overview
The three modules will prepare you to use SEL practices that focus on equity to improve your students' classroom experiences. The modules can be completed separately or as a series. We recommend starting with module 1 and then exploring modules 2 and/or 3, depending on what you want to learn. Three (3) clock hours are available upon completion of all three modules.
Module 1: How Do Social Emotional Competencies Support Academic Learning?
You will learn about the four ways that social emotional competencies link to academic instruction.
Module 2: Affirming Learning Environment Practices
You will explore four affirming learning environment practices that promote social emotional and academic interactions.
Module 3: Learning Design Practices
You will focus on six learning design practices that support student application of social emotional and academic skills.
Learning Journal
This Learning Journal is a companion working document to record and save your thoughts, reflections, and plans in response to prompts within each module.
Supporting Tools
You can use these tools to extend the learning activities in the modules.
This webinar provides an overview and exploration of the equity tools for students, family, and staff engagement. The shared resources are examples of how educators can integrate social and emotional learning (SEL) and academic instruction, with a focus on creating supportive classroom and school environments
- SEL in the Arts
Arts education can drive students’ social, emotional, and academic growth and development. It “addresses an essential form of human communication and provides unparalleled opportunities for exploring multiplicity of viewpoints and self-expression” (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction [海角社区] Arts Learning Standards Entry Points, p. 4). Ideally, students will leave music, dance, theater, visual arts, and media arts classes with increased content knowledge and a set of social, emotional, and cognitive competencies (knowledge, skills, and mindsets) to know themselves and others better, refine their unique identities, and effectively use their cultural/linguistic assets to engage with the world around them.
- SEL in Health/Physical Education
Health Education and Physical Education (PE) can drive students' social, emotional, and academic growth and development. High-quality instruction in both of these areas supports the development of productive members of society who have the capacity to be healthy and well throughout their lives. These skills and mindsets contribute to students' ability "to … communicate effectively and set health-enhancing goals" (海角社区 Health and PE Standards, p.?1).
- SEL in Social Studies
Social studies can drive students' social, emotional, and academic growth and development. Students need to leave social studies classrooms with deep content knowledge and a set of social, emotional, knowledge skills, and mindsets "to actively contribute to sustaining a democratic society." (海角社区 Social Studies Standards, p.ii).
- SEL in World Languages
World language education can drive students’ social, emotional, and academic growth and development. Deep content knowledge in world languages and a set of social, emotional, and knowledge, skills, and mindsets will help students effectively communicate…and engage with the globalized world. (海角社区 World Languages Learning Standards).
- Equity Tool #1: Educators and Instructional Staff as Partners
Equity Tool #1: Educators and Instructional Staff as Partners
Learners who engage with this tool will be able to:
- Engage in an asset-based review of demographic data to understand the local context and political reality that affects how students engage in learning in Washington.
- Consider their local education agency’s instructional framework to make informed decisions about the implementation of equity-focused social emotional competencies in academic instruction.
- Use children’s picture books to actively engage in critical self-reflection on their role as an adult supporting the social, emotional, and academic development of students in schools.
- Reflect how their interactions with students support identity-affirming learning environments, regardless of students’ social or cultural identity or background.
- Align a personal understanding of equity and cultural responsiveness to a personal action plan to co-create identity-affirming schools and classrooms.
- Equity Tool #2: Co-Creating a Student-Centered Culturally Responsive Elementary Classroom
Equity Tool #2: Co-Creating a Student-Centered Culturally Responsive Elementary Classroom
Learners who engage with this tool will be able to:
- Understand how difference shapes their interactions as educators in schools.
- Use children’s picture books to actively engage in critical self-reflection on their role as an adult supporting the social, emotional, and academic development of students in their schools and classrooms.
- Align their understanding of equity and cultural responsiveness to personal action plans to co-create identity-affirming schools and classrooms.
- Reflect on their current state of being and how their interactions in schools support the development of identity-affirming learning environments for students, regardless of students’ social or cultural identity or background
- Incorporating Indigenous Practices to Support Social Emotional Learning
This infographic is designed to provide you with ideas and resources to incorporate into your classroom to promote culturally responsive SEL. These suggestions also assist you to support quality social and emotional development for all including Native and non-Native learners.
Incorporating Indigenous Practices to Support Social Emotional Learning
- Integrating Equity-Centered Social Emotional Learning Into Your Instruction
This Integrating Equity-Centered Social Emotional Learning Into Your Instruction planning tool offers an approach that educators can use to plan lessons that support students’ as they develop and apply social emotional competencies in academic learning. It will support you as an educator as you use the materials from the module series. The tool includes a set of steps and guiding questions that will help you apply what you learned from the modules to plan lessons that nurture students’ social emotional and academic learning. This planning tool will also give you an opportunity to self-reflect on equity-centered SEL in lesson planning.