
Summer Food Service Program Training

Contact Information

Financial Resources

Training is required for all sponsors who wish to operate a SFSP. Sponsor administrators must attend training and then train all sponsor staff. Registration is required for the in-person training and webinars.

REMINDER: Recorded trainings are required for application approval.
For Current SFSP Sponsors:
  • To access online SFSP Required Canvas Trainings:

    1. Enroll yourself in the .

    2. Bookmark your SFSP to return to the course later.

    3. Find the link on the homepage that matches your status (New Sponsor or Returning Sponsor).

    4. Click on that link and begin your training.

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New Sponsor Training

All new sponsors (sponsors that did not operate Summer 2024), new lead Program administrators, and returning administrators with significant operational problems identified during last year’s administrative review must complete the following trainings prior to application approval.

Training Requirements

New sponsors must complete the following training to operate the SFSP:

  • SFSP New Sponsor Annual Track - Online Canvas Training
  • Recorded Required Training
    • Civil Rights* recorded training
    • Procurement* recorded trainings
      • Introduction to Procurement
      • Informal Procurement: Micro-Purchase Method
      • Small and Informal Procurement
    • Budget Training
    • Financial Viability, Capability, and Accountability (VCA) training

*NOTE: Civil Rights & Procurement trainings can be waived if training was completed earlier in the year with another CNS program. Please keep documentation regarding training completed.

Returning Sponsor Training

Training Requirements

Returning sponsors must complete the following training to operate the SFSP in summer 2025:

  • SFSP Returning Sponsor Annual Track - Online Canvas Training
  • Recorded Required Training
    • Civil Rights* recorded training
    • Procurement* recorded trainings
      • Introduction to Procurement
      • Informal Procurement: Micro-Purchase Method
      • Small and Informal Procurement

*NOTE: Civil Rights & Procurement trainings can be waived if training was completed earlier in the year with another CNS program. Please keep documentation regarding training completed.

Optional Training for Site Supervisors and Administrators

The SFSP Online Canvas Training modules are designed for sponsor administrators and site supervisors to expand their knowledge about operating the SFSP. Training topics include:

  • SFSP Rural Non-Congregate Meal Service
  • Recordkeeping for Site Supervisors
  • Utilizing the Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS)
Special Programs

New sponsor and new administrators of Closed-Enrolled sites, Camps, Upward Bound, and Migrant Sites are required to complete the online Canvas training to apply to operate these specific SFSP sites. Returning sponsors also must complete the online Canvas training for these sites, prior to being approved to operate. All special program-specific content will be covered in this training.

  • Closed-Enrolled Sites, Camps, and Migrant Sites Training

Camps and Closed Sites Reference Sheet