Washington’s public schools serve over 1.1 million students, and the state is responsible for funding the public education of each of those students. Although there are variances across school districts and grade levels, the state spent an average of $11,500 per student in basic education funding in 2019. On top of basic education funding, school districts can apply for state, federal, and local grants; receive targeted funding for specific purposes, such as school improvement; or raise levy funds within their local community. This page contains information about how schools are funded, available grants, the policies that drive school funding and operations, and more.

Policy & Funding

Grants Management
EGMS Resources & Guides
OER Project Grants
21st Century Learning
Balanced Calendar
Beginning Educator Support Team Grants
Closing Educational Achievement Gaps (Title I, Part A)
Program Review & Support
Digital Equity and Inclusion Grant
Every Student Succeeds Act
海角社区less Education Grants
Improving Teacher and Principal Quality (Title II, Part A)
LifeSkills Training (LST) Substance Abuse Prevention Grants
Rural Education Initiative
Student Support and Academic Enrichment (Title IV, Part A)
Washington School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG)
Federal Funding Contact Information
ESEA Consolidated Grant Application

Child Nutrition
School Meals
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Summer Food Service Program
Food Distribution
Farm to Child Nutrition Programs
Food Service Management Companies
Claims, Fiscal Information and Resources
Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS)
Child Nutrition Program Reports
Child Nutrition Grants
USDA Policy Memos