
Financial Education

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The Financial Education Public-Private Partnership (FEPPP) was created by the legislature to bring public and private stakeholders together to improve and advocate for financial education in Washington schools and communities by providing teacher trainings and quality resources.

Financial Education Sample Goals

The 2022 Washington State Legislature passed 2SSB 5720 requiring districts to adopt one or more financial education goals by March 1, 2023. FEPPP has developed a nonexhaustive menu of model goals. The final bill report can be found on the .

Goals for Expanding Financial Education Instruction. Each school district, charter school, and state-tribal compact school, by March 1, 2023, shall adopt one or more goals for expanding financial education instruction to students in their district. Examples of goals that school districts may adopt include:

  • increasing the number of financial education courses available to students in grades 9 through 12;
  • increasing the number of grades, schools, or both that provide students with instruction in, or access to instruction in, financial education; and
  • expanding the amount of financial education professional development training available to certificated staff.

Financial Education Grant 2025-26

Districts can apply for the financial education grant for the 2025-26 school year beginning May 1, 2025 in EGMS.  See our grant flyer for more information.  

Financial Education Standards

Washington State Financial Education K-12 Learning Standards (October 2016)