
Open Doors Youth Reengagement Resources

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  • Partnership models
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  • Compliance questions

On this page, you will find important documents and resources related to Open Doors Youth Reengagement: reporting information and instructions, eligibility documentation, enrollment reporting, and more. 

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Guidance & Reference Materials

End of Year (EOY) Annual Reporting

Start Here:

Youth Reengagement Data Template Instructions:

  1. Downloading the Template
  2. Completing the Template

Common Issues: EOY Reporting

Webinar recordings:

  • The is for locations that collaborate with ESDs to offer Open Doors.
  • The is for districts and community organizations, colleges, and other partners that work to offer Open Doors
Enrollment Reporting Instructions

Review the Enrollment Reporting Handbook and User guide for instructions on how to report enrollment to the SAFS department of 海角社区. The enrollment reported determines state funding. By following the handbook's guidance, you will secure the maximum state funding and avoid audit problems. For questions on reporting enrollment for the summer months, please contact Becky McLean.

2024-25 Rates

  • Nonvocational Rate: $10,037.85
  • Vocational Rate: $10,916.85

2023-24 Rates

  • Nonvocational: $9,597.46 (increased from $9,555.02)
  • Vocational Rate: $10,486.16 (increased from $10,463.80)
Eligibility Documentation

Additional Resources

Face-to-Face Attendance Period Requirements

Guidance Materials:

WAC Effective August 20, 2022:

"Attendance period requirement" is defined as, at minimum, two hours of face-to-face interaction with designated program staff for the purpose of instruction, academic counseling, career counseling, or case management contact aggregated over the prior month. In-person face-to-face interaction is required for the month that the student was claimed for the first time. The interaction may include an option for digital-synchronous interaction when a student:

  1. requests digital-synchronous options; or
  2. requires digital-synchronous access as determined by program staff.
  3. If, after every three months of claimed enrollment, the student has not earned an indicator of academic progress through the utilization of digital-synchronous interaction, then the interaction must return to in-person face-to-face until an indicator of academic progress is earned.

Contact methods:

The following contact methods meet the digital-synchronous face-to-face allowance. Permission must be obtained from the parent, or the student if age 18+, in writing for recording video communications. Email does not meet the requirements of the face-to-face rule unless immediate/synchronous responses can be documented.


  • Please see your state and local guidance regarding current local health department and school guidelines, including vaccination, social distancing, and masking for students and staff.


  • Maintain documentation of conversations in a contact log, including date, time, duration, and purpose of each call.

Instant messaging

  • Exchange must include evidence of same-time reciprocal communication, with minimal lag time between exchanges, as in a real-time conversation.

Interactive video communication

  • Maintain documentation of conversations in a contact log, including date, time, duration, and purpose of each interaction

Other means of digital communication

  • Maintain documentation of conversations in a contact log, including date, time, duration, and purpose of each interaction
Graduation Requirements and Open Doors
School Improvement Planning
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