
Parent and Student Rights (Procedural Safeguards)

Contact Information

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires schools to provide the parents/guardians of a student who is eligible for or referred for special education with a notice containing a full explanation of the rights available to them.

School districts must provide parents a copy of the Notice of Special Education Procedural Safeguards:

  • At least once every school year.
  • When you or others, including the district, request that your student be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education services. This process is called a referral.
  • The first time you file a citizen complaint in a school year.
  • The first time you request a due process hearing in a school year.
  • When a decision is made to remove a student for more than ten school days in a year as part of a disciplinary action, and that removal constitutes a change of placement.
  • Upon request.

Notice of Special Ed Procedural Safeguards

Districts may customize this notice for their use, provided content includes all of the procedural safeguards content required under Part B of the IDEA.

Notice of Special Education Procedural Safeguards-English, Notice of Special Education Procedural Safeguards-English | Amharic | Arabic | Bosnian | Burmese | Chinese (Simplified) | Chuukese | Dari | French | Haitian Creole | Hakha Chin | Hindi | Japanese | Khmer (Cambodian) | Korean | Lao | Marshallese | Nepali | Pashto | Portuguese | Punjabi | Russian | Samoan | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Thai | Tigrinya | Ukrainian | Vietnamese

  • Please note that the Procedural Safeguards (October 2023) has been updated to reflect a legislative change of "emergency expulsion" to "emergency removal" as noted within "Services" on page 30, and to also fix a grammatical error (a comma was in the wrong place) on page 10 as noted within "Parental Consent for Reevaluations".