Family Connection
The Family Connection component of WaKIDS, which occurs through a Family Connection Meeting, is a one-on-one meeting with a child’s family/guardian to welcome them to the K-12 system.
The Family Connection component of WaKIDS acknowledges the family's role as their child's first teacher and invites them to share the unique insights they have about their child. The Family Connection offers families an opportunity to get to know the teacher, share information about their child, and ask questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about Family Connection, review the complete list of WaKIDS Frequently Asked Questions.
- When does the Family Connection Occur?
Family Connection takes place at the very beginning of the school year. Schools typically use the first three days at the beginning of the school year to conduct the Family Connection.
Legislation, , passed in 2013, permits schools to use up to three full school days for the Family Connection without applying for a 180-day waiver from the State Board of Education.
- What happens during the family connection meeting?
There is no prescribed Family Connection format to follow, and your Family Connection Meetings may differ from family to family. The Family Connection Meeting should not feel like a formal interview, as you are using this time to establish a relationship and get to know the family and their child. The Family Connection Meeting is not to be used to conduct any assessments.
Teachers may find it helpful to use the Introducing Me! booklet (which is available in 18 languages). This booklet is not a script and is intended to provide an outline for conversation. Teachers can add their own questions and conversation starters, as desired. Additionally, teachers may consider sharing the WaKIDS Family Brochure with families to help explain the WaKIDS process and share helpful links. This brochure is also available in 18 languages.
Resources for 海角社区
Below are some materials to help set the stage for your Family Connection Meeting.
Introducing Me! Booklet
The Introducing Me! booklet is intended to provide an outline for the family connection meeting conversation. Teachers can add their own questions and conversation starters, as desired. Some teachers use the booklet for ideas to tailor assignments to particular students’ interests, while others use the booklets as an informal guide. The state does not collect the information in any formal way.
English/Spanish Introducing Me Booklet | Arabic | Amharic | Chinese | Hindi | Korean | Marshallese | Nepali | Oromo | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Spanish/English | Tagalog | Tigrigna | Turkish | Ukrainian | Urdu | Vietnamese
WaKIDS Family Brochure
The Entering Kindergarten Family Brochure is an invitation for families of students who are participating in WaKIDS, to get involved in the program and find out what to expect.
English WaKIDS Family Brochure | Arabic | Amharic | Chinese | Hindi | Korean | Marshallese | Nepali | Oromo | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Tigrigna | Turkish | Ukrainian | Urdu | Vietnamese
Characteristics of Children Entering Kindergarten
It may be helpful to share the Characteristics of Children Entering Kindergarten with families. This document outlines characteristics commonly found in entering kindergarteners across six areas of development and learning.
Spanish version of Characteristics of Children Entering Kindergarten.
To learn more, please visit the Family Connection Guidelines for Teachers.