
Substance Use Prevention & Intervention

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Contact Information

Brisa Sanchez Cornejo 
Program Supervisor, Substance Abuse Prevention/Intervention

Student Assistance Programs provide early alcohol and other drug prevention and intervention services to students and their families, assist in referrals to treatment providers, and strengthens the transition back to school for students who have had problems with alcohol and other drug abuse. School-based assistance aligns with state Substance Abuse Awareness Program law ; some school districts manage their own programs. Student Assistance Prevention-Intervention Services Program is accessed through educational service districts (ESDs).

Student Violation Policies

Each district will have its own policy addressing substance use on school grounds and related sanctions for students found in violation. Please see your school's Student Handbook or inquire at your district office.

Prevention & Intervention Best Practices

Many of the most common strategies being used by well-meaning parents, schools, and communities have been shown by careful research to be ineffective. Review best practices and resources for substance use prevention and intervention!

SAPISP Coordinators

Find a list of Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Service Program Coordinators (SAPISP).