
District and School Resources

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Resources for Educators & Administrators

SGPs at a Glance
A short overview of Student Growth Percentiles

Understanding a Student Growth Percentile Report
A Guide for Parents and Teachers

What is an Academic Peer?
Illustrated slides on what an academic peer group is and how student assessment data is used to create a student growth percentile.

Bridging the Transition
A document explaining how the transition from Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) to Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAs) influenced Student Growth Percentiles.


Webinar: Interpreting and Using the State Growth Measure in Washington Schools
In 2013, 海角社区 hosted a webinar with panelists Karen Owen, Principal of Nisqually Middle School, and Sara Rich, Assessment Director of North Thurston Public Schools, to discuss using SGPs in student conferences, professional learning communities, and for benchmarking purposes at the district level.

Technical Documentation

2013 Washington Growth Model Report

This report, written by the developers of the SGP model for Washington, provides summary statistics on the 2013 SGPs and details on how student growth percentiles and growth-to-standard targets are calculated.