
Disagreements and Complaints

Dispute Resolution Options

When you and the school district are unable to resolve differences about the special education process or the contents of your student’s IEP, the first step is to try to resolve the issues informally by clearly communicating your concerns to the IEP team and to your school district’s central special education office. It is the responsibility of the district to make FAPE available to your student. The district is required to use the IEP to describe FAPE and to communicate any decisions regarding the provision of FAPE to you using Prior Written Notice.

If you believe the district has failed to provide a service identified on your student’s IEP, believe that the district has denied your student FAPE, or believe the district has not met any other federal or state requirements related to special education, then you may consider using more formal dispute resolution options in order to resolve your disagreement. Your options include:

Visit the Special Education Dispute Resolution page for further details on each of these options.

You may also direct questions about working with your school district or about your dispute resolution options to the Special Education Parent Liaison.