
TPEP Professional Learning Modules

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This series of professional learning modules is designed to prepare schools and districts for deeper understanding of TPEP. These modules are intended to be tools to support synchronous professional learning and are not intended as stand-alone, asynchronous experiences.

These learning modules are intended to...

  • Make the components of educator evaluation concrete and actionable for educators and their evaluators.
  • Support district and school leadership teams in developing a common understanding of the new educator evaluation legislation, criteria, and frameworks, and the opportunities for professional growth and development.
  • Provide participants with implementation tips and strategies to help schools make educator evaluation meaningful and doable.

Student Growth Goal Modules

Module 1: SGG Overview
Module 2A: What does this mean for evaluators?
Module 2B: What does this mean for teachers?
Module 3: Essential Standard
Module 4: Cognitive Engagement
Module 5: Emotional Engagement
Module 6: Formative and Summative Assessment
Module 7: Student Engagement in Assessment
Module 8: Feedback from Students