Online Learning for Applicants
Model Documents
Below are model documents for creating/revising a district’s online learning policy & procedure, and for creating/revising an agreement between a district and a provider.
Contact Information
An Online School Program Approval may be necessary if you have at least one student whose schedule is mostly made up of online courses. There are three types of approvals: Single District, Affiliate, and Multi-District. These approval categories are only open to public schools/programs.
An Online Course Provider Approval is necessary if you are looking to sell online courses in Washington state. This application is open to public schools, private or non-profit entities offering online courses. School districts can contract with approved online course providers for individual online courses, partner with approved online course providers to offer full-time programs, and sell courses to Washington state students.
Guide to Online Learning
The guide to online learning document provides guidance on the roles & responsibilities of districts and providers, the approval process, CEDARS coding, and more. Many decisions may need to be made at the district/program level but this guide may be useful in making those decisions.
Online learning may or may not be ALE-funded; please see the Alternative Learning Experience webpage for more information on ALE.
Approval Application
Below is more information on applying for Online School Program and Online Course Provider approvals. Please note the differences in approval categories as well as the Resources for each category.
These assurances agreed to by all approved online learning programs and providers ensure that they understand and will abide by the requirements of Washington state education and online learning.
Approved Online Course Providers
Approved course providers have met a minimum qualification and assurances to meet Washington state learning requirements . Districts may contract with these providers for online courses based on .