Waivers and CIA
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The resources provided are for educators, school districts and State-Tribal Education Compacts (STECs), and families to help support students to graduate and plan for a meaningful first step after high school.
Graduation Requirements Emergency Waiver (GREW)
The GREW was authorized only through the 2023-24 school year. The wavier was based on the school year offered, not a student's cohort. There is no waiver available beginning with the 2024-25 school year.
In July 2021, May 2022, and April 2024 the State Board of Education (SBE) passed permanent rules allowing districts/STECs to offer waivers of certain graduation requirements on an individual student basis during certain emergencies, including the current COVID-19 public health crisis. The GREW rules permitted waiving of up to 1.0 core or flexible credits and/or the pathway for students graduating in the 2020-21 through 2023-24 school years as described in Chapter 180-111 WAC.
School districts and STECs needed SBE approval and a resolution adopted prior to awarding any waivers. Schools must have demonstrated their good faith effort to help students meet minimum state graduation requirements and used all other available waivers and local flexibility prior to granting a GREW.
The GREW should have been used only as a last resort for a student whose learning and ability to have met credit requirements was impacted by COVID-19.
Seniors who met the following criteria could have accessed the GREW:
- Reasonably expected to graduate; and
- Impacted by significant disruption to their education; and
- Demonstrated postsecondary preparation; and
- Finished their High School and Beyond Plan; and
- Completed all graduation requirements and graduated by August 31, 2024.
For the 2023-24 school year, the district/STEC could not waive a graduation pathway in ELA or math if the student had credit waived in the same subject area(s).
For more details about the emergency waiver program, please visit the .
Expedited Assessment Appeals Waiver
An Expedited Assessment Appeals (EAA) Waiver can be approved only if an eligible student has demonstrated that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the high school graduation standard and to successfully achieve their college or career goals, as outlined in E2SHB 1599. This waiver is available to students in the class of 2014 through 2020.
Out of State Transfer Waiver
The Out of State (OOS) waiver was for students in the class of 2019 or earlier who transferred from another state in the 11th or 12th grade. The student may have applied to receive a waiver for the graduation pathway requirement if the student has previously passed another state's high school exit or accountability examination as approved by 海角社区. Only tests approved by 海角社区 were applicable for the OOS waiver.
WA-AIM Engagement Rubric
Students who meet some or all of the Engagement Rubric criteria will count as participants in federal and state accountability reporting. Engagement Rubrics are submitted through the WA-AIM INSIGHT Portal. Data Collection Platform. For high school students in the Class of 2021 and earlier, use of an Engagement Rubric automatically resulted in an Awareness Waiver applied to the state assessment graduation requirement.
Students in the Class of 2021 will be the last cohort able to apply an Awareness Waiver to fulfill assessment graduation requirements. The Engagement Rubric will continue to be used with all tested grade levels and cohorts as part of federal and state accountability.
Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA) Options
(For students receiving special education services, if specified in their IEPs)
Students through the class of 2021 (based on the graduation requirements year) receiving special education services may have other options that can be applied toward earning a Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA). However, a student's IEP team will determine which option is appropriate for the student-- based on the student's learner characteristics, and taking into consideration a student's PLAAFP, post-secondary goals, and previous testing history. For further direction, please see Guidance for IEP Teams: Student Participation in Statewide Assessments for Accountability and Graduation.
CIA Cut Score (formerly Basic/L2) - on Regular (On-Grade) Assessment
A student's IEP team may determine a student's passing score as the CIA Cut Score, established within the Level 2, or Basic, score range on the state Mathematics or ELA assessment. The CIA Cut Score cannot be used for meeting standard in district/STEC federal accountability reporting but can be used to fulfill requirements to earn a CIA. Applicable students may use the CIA cut score option when participating in federal accountability assessment administrations.
Locally Determined Assessments (LDA)
An LDA is a series of state-prescribed assessments that can be selected and administered at the local school level. They are available in the content areas of mathematics and ELA (comprised of a reading LDA + writing LDA). Meeting standard is scoring at or above the established minimum Grade Equivalency (G.E.) for the prescribed test or the established passing score. Tests that have been administered in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade can be applied. Students are still expected to participate in on-grade level exam(s) required for federal accountability.
Off-Grade Level Assessment on Regular or Alternate Assessment*
*Use of the off-grade WA-AIM (state's alternate assessment) is intended for the students who have previously met the criteria for participation in the Alternate Assessment (the WA-AIM).
Students receiving special education services may take an assessment specific to a particular content area (Mathematics or ELA) at a grade level different from their current enrollment grade. The student must meet the established cut score for proficiency (level 3) for the grade level accessed. Students are still expected to participate in on-grade level assessment(s) required for federal accountability.