
Multilingual Education Title III Services

Contact Information

Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Multilingual Education

Virginia Morales

Assistant Director, ESD 189 & 121 (King)

Shannon Martin

Supervisor ESD 113, 114 & 121 (Pierce)

Katie Sperling

Multilingual & Dual Program Supervisor, ESD 101 & 171

Kadriye El-Atwani, Ph.D.

Supervisor ESD 105, 112 & 123

Federal Title III, Part A, funds provide additional support for multilingual learners as well as services for American Indian/Alaska Native students and for multilingual/English learners in private schools.

Services for Multilingual Learners

Title III funds are designed to support the district language instructional education program to assist multilingual learners in attaining English proficiency and high levels of academic achievement. Districts and schools may use the funds for:

  • Professional learning (required use of funds)
  • Family engagement (required use of funds)
  • Supplemental instructional materials
  • Coaches and professional development specialists
  • Extended-day or extended-year instructional supports

Districts with small numbers of identified multilingual learners that generate less than $10,000 in Title III funding can form or join a consortium of districts to pool funds and access joint professional learning, family engagement, or other activities. See Chapter 5 of the Policies and Practices Guide: Grants and Use of Funds for more information.

Services for American Indian & Alaska Native Students

American Indian and Alaska Native students may qualify for supplemental services through Title III, Part A, if they meet certain criteria based on their academic and linguistic needs.

Identification & Placement

It is important to use the approved Washington state process to identify, screen, and place American Indian and Alaska Native students in Title III services. The following guidance documents and slides provide information on this process.

Family Communication Templates

Districts should use the AI/AN Parent Notification templates to communicate with families about potential eligibility for Title III services, to request to screen the student, and to notify families of annual testing, continued eligibility, and/or initial placement in Title III services.

Instructional Services

Instructional services for American Indian and Alaska Native students who qualify under Title III must be culturally and linguistically appropriate. As many AI/AN students may speak English as their primary language, these services are inherently different than those provided for other eligible multilingual English learners. Title III Services for AI/AN students must be planned by:

  1. ESSA Tribal Consultation with the nearest federally recognized Tribe(s) before submitting Title III plans and applications if 50% or more of the district’s students are identified as American Indian/Alaska Native AND/OR if the district receives $40,000 or more through Title VI.
  2. Collaborating with the Title VI Coordinator.
  3. Selecting from the following Professional Learning Menu:

Equitable Services for Private School Students

Multilingual English learners, parents/guardians, and educators at non-profit, private, and religiously affiliated schools may qualify for equitable services through the federal Title III, Part A program. Private school students are not eligible for services through the Washington State Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program. The following guidance and tools may be helpful in understanding the process for private school participation in Title III services for multilingual English learners.