

Teacher-Librarians & Information Literacy

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The work of teacher-librarians today is a proven best practice for the development of information literacy skills. Teacher-librarians are able to align and integrate the instructional and curricular components of the K–12 learning environment with the development of technological skills. These educators work directly with the content areas bringing into play a logical and systematic model of processing information — the Big6 Skills Approach.

School Libraries: a Lesson in Student Success lays out the value of our teacher-librarians with data and illustration.

Transforming Student Learning with EdTech Standards Workshops

These free workshops are designed to provide Teacher-Librarians and other educators with strategies to transform student learning using the state’s updated Educational Technology Learning Standards. The standards are based upon the 2016 Technology Standards for Students released by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and can integrated into lessons in virtually all content areas. Participants will gain a general understanding of the standards, and ideas for implementing them at all levels. This training is sponsored by the Washington State Library, the Washington Library Association, and 海角社区, and six free clock hours will be available to attendees. .

Washington State School Library and Information Technology (WSSLIT) Program Survey

海角社区 partnered with the Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) to build and distribute a survey to measure the availability of school library services in K–12 schools in the spring of 2016. The data has been compiled and an spreadsheet of WSSLIT results is available for download. The was completed in July 2015.

Programs & Resources