Grants & Funding Resources (non-SCAP)
Contact Information
Scott Black
Program Development Manager
Morgan Powell
High Performance Schools Coordinator
ADA Equal Access Grant
The 2023 Legislature appropriated $3,600,000 solely for equal access grants for facility repairs and alterations at K12 public schools, including skill centers, to improve compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Career Preparation & Launch Grant Program
The 2023 Legislature appropriated $4,000,000 for districts to purchase and install career and technical education equipment that expands career connected learning and work-integrated learning opportunities.
Emergency Repair Pool
The 2023 Legislature appropriated $5,000,000 solely for emergency repair grants to address unexpected and imminent health and safety hazards at K-12 public schools, including Skill Centers, that will impact the day-to-day operations of the school facility.
Healthy Kids-Healthy Schools Grants
The Legislature appropriated $10 million in the 2023-25 capital budget for 海角社区 to administer a Healthy Kids-Healthy Schools grant program in support of the Healthiest Next Generation Initiative. This grant is for nutrition and/or physical education equipment.
Indoor Air Quality Assessment Grant
The 2024 supplemental capital budget appropriated $3.75 million for districts over 3,000 students and $11.25 million for districts under 3,000 students for indoor air quality assessment grants.
Lead in Water Remediation Grant
Form Package 223: The 2023-25 Legislature appropriated $1.5 million for remediation of lead in school drinking water. Districts that test positive for above 5 parts per billion of lead contamination are eligible to apply.
Skill Centers
Skill centers provide students with hands on learning environments similar to current industries. The number of skill centers has grown to 17 throughout the state.
Small District Energy Assessment Grant
The 2023 Legislature appropriated $5 million for energy assessment grants for school districts under 1,000 students. This grant program will fund an American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Level 2 audit from a certified energy auditor to help prepare school districts for Clean Buildings Performance Standards requirements.
Small Rural District Modernization Grants
The 2019 Legislature appropriated $19.8 million to assist small school districts with significant building deficiencies. This grant is limited to school districts with total enrollments of one thousand students or less.
Urgent Repair Grants
The 2023 Legislature provided $11,600,000 solely for urgent repair grants to address non-reoccurring urgent small repair projects at K-12 public schools, excluding skill centers, that could impact the health and safety of students and staff if not completed. Districts are limited to one grant, not to exceed $500,000 per 3-year period. If your district received the Urgent Repair Grant in the 2021-23 biennium, your district is not eligible for this 2023-25 biennial grant.