
Integrated Environmental and Sustainability K–12 Learning Standards

Contact Information

Environment and Sustainability Education

Elizabeth Schmitz

Program Supervisor, Environmental & Sustainability Educ Content Integration

Stephani Hemness

Secretary Senior

The Integrated Environmental and Sustainability K-12 Learning Standards were developed in collaboration with educators from across Washington. Implementation of the standards is supported by the Environmental and Sustainability Literacy Plan.

Integrated Learning Standards

The K-12 Integrated Environmental and Sustainability Education Learning Standards standards describe what all students should know and be able to do in the area of Environmental and Sustainability Education. Consistent with the intent of the law governing environmental education in Washington state (), these standards are intended to be integrated into core content areas and across all grade levels. The Integrated Environmental and Sustainability Standards were updated to reflect the adoption of new science, ELA and Math Standards.

Supporting Materials

Content Integration

As a support for the K-12 Integrated Environmental and Sustainability (ESE) Learning Standards, 海角社区 has twice convened K-12 educators to identify Environmental and Sustainability Education Core Content Connection Examples. Please note that this document is a work in progress and will be updated periodically. We welcome your feedback and suggestions to help improve the resource.

This graphic organizer helps educators use environment and sustainability as a theme to integrate English language arts, mathematics, Since Time Immemorial, and social studies standards.