Resources for School Districts: Civil Rights in Washington Schools
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Visit Information for 海角社区 for information about families' and students' rights.
Contact Information
Find information for school districts on their obligations under state and federal nondiscrimination laws. For example, guidance, resources, tools, and sample materials for the most common nondiscrimination topics that arise in Washington state K-12 public schools.
Managing Civil Rights Program Requirements
These pages include information, resources, and sample materials to support school districts in managing their civil rights program requirements.
- Compliance Coordinators
- Notification Requirements, Staff Training, and Outreach Materials
- Required Policies and Procedures
Information, Resources, & FAQs
Some of the most common nondiscrimination topics that come up in Washington state K-12 public schools including, guidance, resources, tools, and sample materials.
- 504 Plans and Students with Disabilities
- Discriminatory Harassment
- Sexual Harassment
- Gender-Inclusive Schools: Protections for Transgender and Gender-Expansive Students
- Immigrant Student’s Rights to Attend Public Schools
- Interpretation and Translation
- Religion in Schools
- Sex Equity in Athletics
- Equity in Student Discipline
- Equity in Courses and Programs
- Bias in Instruction Materials
- Responding to Discrimination Complaints
2024-25 Statewide Civil Rights Review
Information and resources for LEAs regarding the legislatively mandated compliance review.
Program Review and Support (Formerly CPR)
Information and resources for school districts that are participating in civil rights compliance monitoring through 海角社区's Program Review, formerly called Consolidated Program Review (CPR).