
2024–25 Statewide Civil Rights Review?

During the 2024 legislative session, the Legislature passed a proviso,. This proviso mandates that 海角社区 conduct a one-time review of every Local Education Agency (LEA) in Washington to ensure they comply with state and federal nondiscrimination laws. This Statewide Civil Rights Review (Review) must be completed during the 2024–25 school year. After the monitoring is completed, 海角社区 must submit a report to the legislature that includes a summary of the review findings. 

The Review will address four key areas of nondiscrimination requirements that state and federal law mandates for all LEAs: 

  1. Policies and procedures for nondiscrimination, sex-based discrimination (formerly sexual harassment), and gender-inclusive schools. 
  2. Handbook and website notices to the school community about discrimination, sexual harassment, complaint processes, and gender-inclusive schools. 
  3. Staff training on responsibilities under state nondiscrimination law and eliminating bias. 
  4. Designated coordinators and their training, including coordinators for civil rights, Title IX, Section 504, and gender-inclusive schools. 

LEAs should be aware this is not a comprehensive review of all nondiscrimination requirements in state and federal law. Please contact 海角社区’s Equity and Civil Rights Office or visit our our website for additional information on other nondiscrimination and civil rights requirements 

Information and Resources  

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the legislative mandate for the Statewide Civil Rights Review? 

The proviso, , includes the following requirement: 

海角社区 must “conduct a one-time compliance review of every school district in Washington state between July 2024 and July 2025 related to compliance with state nondiscrimination laws, chapter 28A.640 and 28A.642 RCW, and federal nondiscrimination laws. The office shall utilize the compliance monitoring process that has been established in chapter 392-190 WAC and may utilize the regional educational service districts to assist as appropriate under RCW 28A.310.010(2). Reviews may be conducted as desk reviews with selected on-site reviews where the office deems additional follow-up may be necessary to the desk review. The office shall provide a report to the legislature by December 1, 2025, summarizing the results of these compliance reviews and shall include a summary of types of noncompliance found, any corrective actions taken by the office or the school district, and school district responses to issues of noncompliance that were found during the compliance review process.” 

Will 海角社区 also monitor civil rights requirements during Program Review during this school year? 

Because of the Review, civil rights items will not be included in Program Review and Support monitoring this year. Additionally, 海角社区 will not be requesting LEAs submit the annual Equity Assurance Report (iGrants Form Package 447). 

How will LEAs provide information to 海角社区? 

Once the online tool is ready to launch, 海角社区 will email the LEA’s primary point of contact a link and additional instructions for submitting the LEA’s information. 海角社区 anticipates this will occur in early November 2024. 

Once the tool is available, LEAs will be able to provide links to information that is available on publicly posted online or upload documents for 海角社区 to review.