Approved Providers
Clock Hour Rules
- Rules are available online at
Providers Who Did Not Re-Apply for Approval
Contact Information
For more information on clock hour forms, please contact:
PLEASE NOTE: For any and all general clock hour inquiries pertaining to certification please contact,
Clock hours and clock hour equivalents are only accepted from approved providers. Classes offered by the providers below may not result in Washington state-approved clock hours. Check with the agency to determine if a was approved for clock hours (). Washington state-approved providers offer clock hours from October 1 to September 30 the current year.
Approved Clock Hour Providers
- All Washington public school districts and compact schools are approved.
- Providers approved by the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB):
- Previous Approved Providers
New Clock Hour Requirements
Beginning July 1, 2023, issued new certificate requirements; in addition to current renewal requirements, teachers, CTE teachers, administrators, and CTE Directors must meet the new requirements listed below:
Teacher and CTE Teacher Certificates
- 15% (15 hours) Equity-Based School Practices Aligned with CDEI standards
Administrator and CTE Director Certificates
- 10% (10 hours) Equity-Based School Practices aligned with CCDEI standards
- 10% (10 hours) National Professional Standards for Education Leaders
- 5% (5 hours) Government-to-Government Relationships with Federally Recognized Tribes
Acceptable Documentation for Providers
If an agency is on the approved clock hour provider list, the clock hours are NOT eligible unless there is acceptable documentation (, ).
These are the only acceptable forms of documentation for approved clock hours:
- Approved In-service Transcript Providers
- An educational service district (ESD)
- Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession
- Gonzaga University
- pdEnroller
- Seattle Pacific University
- Seattle University
- University of Washington at Tacoma
- University of Washington - Continuum College
- Washington Education Association (WEA)
- Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA)
- Western Washington University Extended Education and Summer Programs
NOTE: Effective October 1, 2023, Washington state public school districts are no longer required to have approved transcripts to record professional development for 海角社区.
- 海角社区 In-Service Registration Forms
- Annual Professional Growth Plan (PGP) Verification and PGP Equivalency-1128-8
- First Peoples' Language, Culture, or Oral Tribal-1128-4
- General In-Service Registration-1125*
- STEM, Equity, and Leadership In-Service Registration-1125-E*
- National Board Assessment/Certification-1128-2
- pdEnroller Transcript
- Paraeducator Fundamental Course of Study-1128-10
- Paraeducator Subject Matter-1128-11
- Professional Growth Team Member as Part of Approved Professional Certificate Program-1126
- Programs no longer available
- Professional Growth Team Member-1126-1
- ProTeach Assessment Scorer-1128-7
- ProTeach Portfolio External Assessment-1128-5
- Supervisor/NBPTS Clock Hours-1128 (this form replaced with 1128-1 and 1128-2)
- Supervisor of Training-1128-1
- Teacher Performance Assessment Scorer-1128-6
- School Accreditation Site Team-1128-9
- Suicide Prevention Training Verification-4020S
*The Form SPI 1125 and 1125-E is a three-part (Section I, II, III) form with an affidavit signed by the participant. It is given only to the approved clock hour provider for distribution and is not available via our website. The approved clock hour provider may remove the SPI logo and place their own logo on the top of the form. Providers are also able to add additional sections/requests for information to the form. However, changes in the overall look of the form should not be made to the three sections of the form so that it may be recognized by participants and employers.
*Effective October 1, 2021, the Section IV signature block on clock hour form SPI 1125 is no longer required in alignment with the repeal of Signature of participant is required on SPI 1125 form for the document to be official.
- Payment voucher issued by North Central Educational Service District (ESD 171)
A WA State Clock Hour In-Service Certification Form from the Archdiocese of Seattle.
NOTE: A certificate of completion, letter, or certificate of achievement or professional development cannot be used to document approved clock hours, unless the individual holds a certificate and a state health professions license that requires continuing education (Department of Health License Information).