
Required Policies and Procedures

Nondiscrimination & Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures

Each school district must have adopted nondiscrimination and sexual harassment policies and procedures that align with Washington's nondiscrimination regulations, . School districts may have separate policies and procedures for students and employees.

The has model nondiscrimination and sexual harassment policies and procedures available for subscribers:

  • Nondiscrimination for Students: 3210 and 3210P
  • Nondiscrimination for Employees: 5010 and 5010P
  • Sexual Harassment for Students: 3205 and 3205P
  • Sexual Harassment for Employees: 5011 and 5011P

Gender-Inclusive Schools Policy & Procedure

In accordance with . by January 31, 2020, each school district must adopt or amend, if necessary, policies and procedures that, at a minimum, incorporate all the elements of the WSSDA model “Gender-Inclusive Schools” policy and procedure, 3211 and 321P This policy and procedure are updated versions of WSSDA’s formerly titled “Transgender Students” and are available at no cost on .

Affirmative Action Plans & Policies

An affirmative action plan can support school districts' efforts in promoting educational excellence through equal employment opportunities and nondiscrimination within their schools.

In accordance with , each school district and public charter school must develop an affirmative action employment plan or program that includes appropriate provisions designed to eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability.

While school districts and public charter schools are still required to develop affirmative action employment programs, these programs no longer need to be filed with 海角社区. However, school districts and public charter schools must maintain these programs and make them available to 海角社区 upon request.

Guidelines & Samples

Statutes & Regulations

  • (the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
