District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Lake Stevens | Greg Lineberry | 425-335-1566 greg_lineberry@lkstevens.wednet.edu |
Lake Washington | Johnny Phu Director of Student Services |
425-936-1200 jphu@lwsd.org |
Lakewood | Timothy Haines Executive Director of Human Resources and Student Support |
360-652-4500 thaines@lwsd.wednet.edu |
Lamont | Todd Spear | 509-257-2463 tspear@lamont.wednet.edu |
Liberty | Aaron Fletcher | 509-245-3211 AFletcher@libertysd.us |
Longview | Mike Kleiner Principal / District Attendance Coordinator |
360-414-2926 mkleiner@longview.k12.wa.us |
Loon Lake | Brad Van Dyne Principal/Superintendent |
509-233-2212 x111 bvandyne@loonlakeschool.org |
Lopez | Sara Wysocki Program Coordinator, Liaison to JCS |
3604682202 x2212 swysocki@lopezislandschool.org |
Lopez | Robert Wood | 3604682219 rwood@lopezislandschool.org |
Lumen Public School | Ashley Strine Attendance and Operations Manager |
509-606-7886 astrine@lumenhighschool.org |
Lumen Public School | Ashley Strine District Truancy Officer |
509-606-7886 astrine@lumenhighschool.org |
Lummi Tribal Agency | Antonio Marquez | 360-758-4367 antonio.marquez@lummi-k12.org |
Lyle | Lori Smith Principal |
509-365-2211 lori.smith@lyleschools.org |
Lynden | Tim Metz Director of Student Services |
360-354-4443 metzt@lynden.wednet.edu |
Mabton | Daren Fickel Mabton Jr/Sr HIgh School Vice Principal |
509-894-4951 fickeld@msd120.org |
Mansfield | Tammy Freels District Secretary |
509-683-1012 tfreels@mansfield.wednet.edu |
Manson | Gabriel Lopez Attendance Clerk, Manson Middle School and High School |
509-687-9585 x521 glopez@manson.org |
Manson | Tabatha Mires Superintendent |
509-687-3140 x300 tmires@manson.org |
Mary M Knight | Josh Stoney Principal |
360-426-6767x119 jstoney@mmk.wednet.edu |
Mary Walker | Matt McLain Dean of Students |
509-951-5254 mmclain@marywalker.org |
Marysville | Dana Worth Truancy Specialist |
360-965-0037 dana_worth@msvl.k12.wa.us |
Mccleary | John Heley Principal |
3604953205 jheley@mccleary.wednet.edu |
Mead | Kelly Schultz | 509-465-6008 kelly.schultz@mead354.org |
Medical Lake | Isidro"Rey"Ornelas | 509-565-3273 rornelas@mlsd.org |
Mercer Island | Fred Rundle | 206-236-5636 fred.rundle@mercerislandschools.org |