District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Cascade | James Swanson Principal of CHS |
509-548-5277 x2102 jswanson@cascadesd.org |
Cashmere | Scott Brown | 509-782-2914 sbrown@cashmere.wednet.edu |
Castle Rock | Bryan Keatley Assistant Principal/Director of Operations |
360-501-2933 bkeatley@crschools.org |
Catalyst Public Schools | Arrielle Temple Operations & Office Coordinator |
360-207-0229 atemple@catalystpublicschools.org |
Central Kitsap | Shawnette Chipps Office of Teaching & Learning |
360-662-1600 x1631 shawnettec@ckschools.org |
Central Valley | Tricia Campbell On-Time Graduation Administrator |
509.558.5400 x6561 tcampbell@cvsd.org |
Central Valley | Anise Masterson School Social Worker |
509.558.6016 amasterson@cvsd.org |
Central Valley | Caesy Morphis School Social Worker |
509-290-7403 cmorphis@cvsd.org |
Central Valley | Katelynn Clark School Social Worker |
509.558.5364 kclark@cvsd.org |
Centralia | Andy Justice Principal/Truancy Liaison |
13603307600 ajustice@centralia.wednet.edu |
Chehalis | Brian Adams Community Engagement Board Director |
360-807-7235 badams@chehalisschools.org |
Cheney | Claire Soulek Student Access & Engagement Coordinator |
509-559-4703 csoulek@cheneysd.org |
Chewelah | Erin Dell Administrator |
509-685-6800 edell@chewelahk12.us |
Chief Leschi Tribal Compact | Willie Stewart Student Services Administrator |
253-445-6000 willie.stewart@leschischools.org |
Chimacum | Lisa Corbit Dean of Students |
lisa_corbit@csd49.org |
Clarkston | Heather Lang | 509-769-5529 langh@csdk12.org |
Clover Park | Taylor Velazquez Student Services Support Specialist |
2535835000 x5156 tvelazqu@cloverpark.k12.wa.us |
Colfax | David Gibb Colfax Jr/Sr High School Principal |
5093975804 david.gibb@csd300.org |
College Place | Kerri Ramirez Executive Assistant to the Superintendent |
509-5254827 kramirez@cpps.org |
Colton | Jody Moehrle Superintendent |
509-229-3385 jodymoehrle@colton.k12.wa.us |
Columbia (Walla Walla) | Vance Norsworthy | 509-524-2819 vnorsworthy@co.walla-walla.wa.us |
Colville | Christie Adams Attendance/Discipline Liaison |
509-685-2803 christie.adams@colsd.org |
Concrete | Carrie Crickmore Interim Superintendent |
360-853-4000 ccrickmore@concrete.k12.wa.us |
Conway | Andrea Clancy Principal |
3604455875 x1114 aclancy@conway.k12.wa.us |
Cosmopolis | Katie Miller Counselor |
360-532-7181 x7181 kmiller@cosmopolisschool.com |