District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Highland | Kelly Thorson | 509-678-8700 kthorson@highland.wednet.edu |
Highland | Don Strother HMS Principal |
509-678-8872 x8872 dstrother@highland.wednet.edu |
Highline | Lorena Jimenez-Sepin Truancy Liaison |
206-631-3267 lorena.jimnenezdesepin@highlineschools.org |
Hockinson | Darci Robinson Attendance Secretary |
360-448-6451 x5501 darci.robinson@hocksd.org |
Hockinson | James Packer | 360-448-6407 james.packer@hocksd.org |
Hood Canal | Mary Cagle Attendance Secretary |
360-877-5463 mcagle@hoodcanalschool.org |
Hoquiam | Bonnie Jump Administrator |
360-538-8316 bjump@hoquiam.net |
Index | Gerry Grubbs Superintendent/Principal |
(360) 793-1330 ggrubbs@index.k12.wa.us |
Insight School of Washington | Kelly Murray School Truancy Liaison |
253-948-7517 klindberg@k12insightwa.org |
Issaquah | Stacy Cho Assistant Director of Compliance |
425-837-7109 ChoS@issaquah.wednet.edu |
Kahlotus | Mark Bitzer | 509-282-3338 Markfbitzer@kahlotussd.org |
Kalama | Judy Bergthold Attendance and Student Support Specialist |
360-673-5757 judy.bergthold@kalama.k12.wa.us |
Keller | Denette Weaver Secretary |
509-634-4325 dweaver@keller.k12.wa.us |
Kelso | Veronica LaRose District Truancy Liaison |
360-501-1852 veronica.larose@kelsosd.org |
Kennewick | BJ Wilson Director of Student Services |
509-222-5004 bj.wilson@ksd.org |
Kent | Karina Oscoy Cazares Re-engagement Specialist |
253-373-7982 Karina.OscoyCazares@Kent.K12.Wa.Us |
Kettle Falls | Yvonne Lawrence Attendance Clerk |
509-738-6625 ext. 440 ylawrence@kfschools.org |
Kiona-Benton City | Emily Raab Attendance and Reengagement Specialist |
509-975-8061 eraab@kibesd.org |
Kittitas | Brittany Tyler State and Federal Programs Director |
509-955-3120 brittany_tyler@ksd403.org |
Klickitat | Dan Smith Dean of Students |
509-369-4145x303 dan.smith@klickitatsd.org |
La Center | Gary McGarvie High School Associate Principal |
360-263-1700 gary.mcgarvie@lacenterschools.org |
La Conner | Christine Tripp High School Principal |
360-466-3173 ctripp@lc.k12.wa.us |
Lacrosse | Teresa Vesneske Principal |
5095493591 x223 tvesneske@lacrossesd.k12.wa.us |
Lake Chelan | Scott Granger Jr Associate Principal &CTE Director |
509 682-4061 grangers@chelanschools.org |
Lake Quinault | Diane Golob Principal |
360-288-2414 dgolob@lakequinaultschools.org |