District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Pasco | Megan Hockaday Director of Virtual Learning |
5095436765 x4891 mhockaday@psd1.org |
Pateros | Alexandria Hernandez TTK-12 Attendance/Health |
5099232343 x300 ahernandez@pateros.org |
Paterson | Melinda White Assistant to the Superintendent |
509-875-2601 melindawh@patersonschool.org |
Pe Ell | BRANDON PONTIUS | 360-291-3244 bpontius@peell.k12.wa.us |
Peninsula | Sara Hoover | 253-530-1003 Hoovers@psd401.net |
Pioneer | Dan Deacon Pioneer School District Truancy Liaison |
360-426-8291x2106 ddeacon@psd402.org |
Port Angeles | Julie Smith Truancy Secretary |
360-457-8575 Jsmith@portangelesschools.org |
Port Townsend | Phillip Mackey-Moseley Dean of Students |
360-379-4519 pmackeymoseley@ptschools.org |
Prescott | Jodi Thew | 509-849-2217 jthew@prescott.k12.wa.us |
Pride Prep Charter | Brian Via Dean of Students |
509-309-7680 brian@prideschools.org |
Pullman | Roberta Kramer Assistant Superintendent |
(509) 332-3144 rkramer@psd267.org |
Pullman Community Montessori | Desiree Porter Office Manager & Operations Support Specialist |
509-336-5909 DesireeP@mypcm.org |
Puyallup | Tonya Middling Director of Student Support |
253-840-8907 middltr@puyallup.k12.wa.us |
Quilcene | Sean D Moss | 509-868-9444 sean.d.moss@gmail.com |
Quillayute Valley | Kala Jackson Readiness to Learn Coordinator |
360-374-6262 kala.jackson@qvschools.org |
Quincy | Colleen Frerks Whole Child Director |
509-787-1678 cfrerks@qsd.wednet.edu |
Rainier | Beth Greenwood | 360-446-2205 greenwoodb@rainier.wednet.edu |
Rainier Prep Charter | Kowsar Hassan Family Engagement Manager |
206-494-5979 khassan@rainierprep.org |
Rainier Valley Leadership Academy | Sativa McLauchlan Front Office Manager |
206 659 0956 info@myrvla.org |
Rainier Valley Leadership Academy | Brooke Williams Office Coordinator |
206-659-0956 info@myrvla.org |
Raymond | Dave Vetter | 360-942-3415 dvetter@raymondk12.org |
Reardan-Edwall | Deborah Newsum | 509-796-2701 dnewsum@reardansd.net |
Renton | Harmony Kariel District Truancy Liaison |
425-204-2359 harmony.kariel@rentonschools.us |
Republic | Loren Finley K-12 Principal |
509-775-3173 x106 lfinley@republicsd.org |
Richland | Tory Christensen Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Education |
509-967-6000 x6032 tory.christensen@rsd.edu |