District Truancy Liaison
School districts must designate and identify a person(s) to coordinate school district efforts to address excessive absenteeism and truancy to the office of the superintendent of public instruction and to the local juvenile court .
District Sort descending | Name / Title | Contact Info |
Coupeville | Arianna Bumgarner District Social Work Coordinator |
360-678-2419 abumgarner@coupeville.k12.wa.us |
Crescent | Therese Carroll Principal |
3609283311 x1004 tcarroll@csd313.org |
Creston | Lindsay Brashears District Secretary |
509-636-2721 lbrashears@wcsd.wednet.edu |
Curlew | Heather Theckston Secretary |
509-779-4931 htheckston@curlewsd.org |
Cusick | Steve Bollinger 6-12 Principal |
509-445-1125 x510 sbollinger@cusick.wednet.edu |
Darrington | Linn Brooks | 360-436-1140 lbrooks@dsd.k12.wa.us |
Davenport | Noelle Carstens | 509-725-4021 ncarstens@davenportsd.org |
Davenport | Courtney Strozyk | 509-725-1261 cstrozyk@davenportsd.org |
Dayton | Angie Alleman Truancy officer, secretary, registrar |
5093824775 angiea@daytonsd.org |
Deer Park | Cameron Gilbert | 5094683509 cameron.gilbert@dpsd.org |
Dieringer | Tyler Borden Vice Principal |
253-862-2776 tborden@dieringer.wednet.edu |
East Valley (Spokane) | Jabez Harlan Principal |
509-241-5013 harlanj@evsd.org |
East Valley (Yakima) | Russ Hill | 509-573-7321 hill.russ@evsd90.org |
Eastmont | Dominique Coffin Assistant Principal |
509-888-1400 x1456 coffind@eastmont206.org |
Easton | Julie Miller | 509 656-2317 millerj@easton.wednet.edu |
Eatonville | Jay Cash Principal |
360-641-1423 j.cash@eatonville.wednet.edu |
Edmonds | Dr. Sally Guzman, MNPL, Ed.D Family and Community Engagement Coordinator |
425-431-4267 guzmanreyess@edmonds.wednet.edu |
Edmonds | Jennifer Martinez Program Support |
425-431-7175 martinezj549@edmonds.wednet.edu |
Ellensburg | Rhonda Schmidt Director of Student Supports |
509-925-8011 rhonda.schmidt@esd401.org |
Entiat | Susan Morris District Truancy Liaison |
5097841800 smorris@entiatschools.org |
Entiat | Robin Kirkpatrick Principal |
509-888-5175 rkirkpatrick@entiatschools.org |
Enumclaw | Paul Dumontet | 360-802-7150 paul_dumontet@enumclaw.wednet.edu |
Enumclaw | Chad Davidson Assistant Principal |
360-802-7700 chad_davidson@enumclaw.wednet.edu |
Enumclaw | Stephanie Berryhill | 360-802-7113 stephanie_berryhill@enumclaw.wednet.edu |
Ephrata | Deb Knox Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning Mailing |
509-754-7271 dknox@ephrataschools.org |